

Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.
how to build a roof in valheim

How to Build a Roof (Valheim)

While the building in Valheim is fairly intuitive, one part of construction that can be challenging is getting a nice roof on your structure. For this guide, we’re going to assume you’re comfortable building a foundation and walls, and that…

eip gaming giveways june edition age of wonders iii featured image

EIP Gaming Giveaways – June Edition

It’s almost summer, and what better way to celebrate than with free games? EIP.gg will be giving away a free Steam game every weekend through our Discord channel. To enter, simply go to the #giveaways channel on the EIP Gaming…

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Valheim Now Available on Humble Bundle

If you still haven’t grabbed Viking survival hit Valheim, you’ve got yet another reason to do so: charity! The game just became available for purchase on the Humble Bundle store, and $2 of the $20 you spend on the game…

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Indiana Jones meets Mirror’s Edge in Phantom Abyss

Devolver Digital is bringing us a unique mashup with Phantom Abyss, a — deep breath — 1st-person roguelite platformer with asynchronous multiplayer. Releasing in Early Access on Steam in June, Phantom Abyss has you using a whip to traverse the…

Hogwarts Legacy Trailer May Contain Gameplay Footage

A recent interview with one of Avalanche Studio’s audio programmers has shed just a teensy bit more light on Hogwarts Legacy. In the interview, which came as part of an online school webinar, Dorian Rosen shared his personal path to…

siege survival gloria victis eip - game review featured image

Siege Survival: Gloria Victis | EIP – Game Review

Turns out being under siege is only fun sometimes I’m always torn on what to think when a game set in a stressful, uncomfortable situation makes me feel stressed and uncomfortable. It feels like the game is succeeding, but it…