Gaming Reviews

Bioshock 2 Review – Bioshockingly good!

A Bioshock 2 review? Now? A bit late isn’t it? Maybe. It’s good to know that when the money’s not flowing as readily as you’d like there are still plenty of places where you can get games for next to…

Final Fantasy XIII Review

With Fable 3 completed I’ve set my sights on another game that never really got a chance, Final Fantasy XIII on the xBox 360. There’s a history with this game for me. When it first came out I saw the…

Oblivion, Elder Scrolls IV: Game Review

The Elder Scrolls series from Bethesda has been on my mind recently. This is partly due to the imminent release of Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim on the 11th November, coupled with the fact that I’ve been playing Elder Scrolls IV:…

the sims social

Sims Social Review: Simply Mediocre

Ah, Facebook games. Another one of my favourite gaming franchises have released a Facebook game. This time EA Games, the owner of The Sims has released The Sims Social. Once more my ability to detach myself from my petty dislike…

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution Review

Deus Ex Human Revolution was released this weekend and after four years of waiting I got some serious playing time in as well. So what’s it like? Is it worth the wait and more importantly the money? Well if you…

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Allods Online an MMO with ‘Allod’ to think about

My challenge, If I choose to accept it (Which clearly I do, otherwise I wouldn’t have written this sentence) is to write a review on Astrum Nivals Allods Online without mentioning a certain other popular MMO. It certainly won’t be…

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Age of Conan: Unchained. Now free-to-play

Funcom, apparently not wanting to be left behind, have decide to make Age of Conan free-to-play under the name ‘Age of Conan: Unchanged’. They’ve tried free timed trials of a week; then they tried a ‘capped at level 20’ method.…


‘Prototype’ xBox 360 Game Review

Following on from the huge enjoyment I experienced from playing Batman: Arkham Asylum, I delved once again through the xBox 360 Platinum Hits shelf at my local video game score. With yet more sage advice from a mate, I picked…

Have a few ‘Words with Friends’

Work has been slowing down recently, and there’s one of two things I could have done about it. I could have diligently, and pro-actively sought out new tasks at work, maybe even sorted out all those things that have needed…

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Sims 3 Review: It’s a Control Freak Thing

Created by EA Games, Sims 3 is arguably the biggest and best life simulation game available these days. In fact I’m struggling to even think of another one. The newest add-on pack ‘Generations’ provides more life events for your Sims…