Gaming Guides

baldurs gate 3 trapped man quest featured image

Rescue the Trapped Man – Baldur’s Gate 3 Quest

While exploring the first region of Baldur’s Gate 3, you can come across a burning inn along the Risen Road near the Waukeen’s Rest waypoint. This is the perfect opportunity to prove your heroism and pick up some loot along…

baldur's gate 3 best mods

Baldur’s Gate 3 Best Mods

Modding is very popular on PC games, both as a way to change things up in a game you’ve played before, and to improve upon aspects of the game that might be lacking (or simply not as the player prefers).…

baldur's gate 3 where to find dammon

Where to Find Dammon – Baldur’s Gate 3

If you’ve picked up a certain tiefling companion, she may have told you about her little heart problem. She needs a blacksmith, and not just any blacksmith – an infernal engineer. Luckily, she heard that one has conveniently set up…

baldur's gate 3 camp long rest

How to Rest – Baldur’s Gate 3

Your party has been through the ringer, and there’s another big fight right around the corner. Your buffs have worn off and your spell slots are all used up. What now? Everyone needs a little rest and relaxation now and…