Gaming Guides

Becoming a Vampire in Skyrim

Vampirism has made its way back in the latest Elder Scrolls release with a couple changes and here’s what you need to know about it. Vampirism, known as the disease called Sanguinare Vampiris, takes three days to come in to…

A Guide to Daedric Quests in Skyrim

Throughout your adventures in Skyrim you are sure to come across some strange and mysterious beings. Some of these will lead to fascinating quests in the name of Daedric Lords in which you will be rewarded nicely with Daedric Artifacts.…

Professions of Skyrim

When you’re not out exploring the many caves and mountain tops Skyrim has to offer you can train your character in the art of a profession. This is the first time any game in The Elder Scrolls series has added…

Picking Your Race in Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls series is well known for its plethora of race options: four kinds of elves, four kinds of humans, and two kinds of animal people. So which one should you pick for your next Skyrim character? The answer,…