Gaming News

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Time, Space and Matter – Steam Greenlight

Have you ever wondered what they world would be like if you could control gravity? Well, in this new 3D puzzle game by Blameless Games, you can. Time, Space and Matter is all about getting through the various rooms by…

iOS Device Image

5 Free iOS Games You Have to Try

I’m a big fan of my iPhone. It goes everywhere with me and is more like a portable games console than a phone. After all, who needs to talk to people when you have great mobile gaming? That’s certainly my…

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The Other 99 Steam Early Access Preview

Imagine going on holiday to a warm tropical place with 99 of your best friends. Imagine an all you can eat buffet, soft beds and drinking Pina Colada’s by the pool. Now forget all that, because The Other 99 by…

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Nintendo Releases Statement on Technical Switch Issues

It’s been just over a week since the Switch had its crazy hot launch, putting it into the fasting selling Nintendo console ever. Since this however, things haven’t been as brilliant – with an incredible number of reports claiming technical…


How Games Are Made: What’s In A Story

Back in February I wrote an article on how games are made. The article, I hope, delineated how most games are made. In this article, and, perhaps, future articles, I will go into more depth on the first step in…

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Catomic Mobile Puzzle Game on iOS and Android

As many of you are no doubt aware, a cat’s education is very important. If you don’t get all your feeding bottles lined up and your kittens neatly put in a row, there’s no way they’ll make it through to…

VR Headset

Immersion, VR, & Where We Draw The Line

In recent years virtual reality became a reality, and it might be too much for us. In this article I’ll detail VR’s role in immersion, arguing VR has both helped and hurt immersion. Virtual reality (hereafter “VR”) gaming enjoys a…

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The Saviour of Video Game History has arrived

The Nonprofit group The Video Game History Foundation have launched a crowdfunding campaign with one goal: to preserve the precious history of the video game industry. The patron page opens with “My name is Frank, and I’ve spent my entire…

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Orisa Announced as New Overwatch Tank Hero

Well, all the speculation over who is the 24th hero to be introduced to Blizzard Entertainment’s Overwatch is over. Through all the Doomfist and Efi Oladele rumours and fan theories, the truth has finally been revealed. The latest Character to…