

Video game fan since TMNT: The Manhattan Project, I'm always on the lookout for games that could top Outer Wilds or Disco Elysium, or for new songs to listen to.
volcano cave featured image elden ring

Volcano Cave Dungeon Walkthrough – Elden Ring

This short dungeon found in Mt. Gelmir is filled with mostly weak demi-humans, and a couple interesting items. Unique Rewards: Coil Shield Jar Cannon Once you’ve grabbed the site of grace, start going through the dungeon and you will very…

gelmir hero's grave featured image elden ring

Gelmir Hero’s Grave Dungeon Walkthrough – Elden Ring

Another dungeon featuring your favorite dungeon contraption: the chariot. Unique Rewards: Ringed Finger Bloodhound Knight Floh (boss loot) Deathroot (in a chest found in the boss room) Mantis Blade Bloodhound Knight Set Gelmir Knight Set As always, remember to grab…

mt gelmir featured image elden ring

Mt. Gelmir Walkthrough – Elden Ring

While Mt. Gelmir is a relatively small area, several quests will require you to progress through this area, and there is a good amount of interesting loot, as well as the Volcano Manor legacy dungeon. NPCs & Quests After progressing…

dragonbarrow cave dungeon featuredimage elden ring

Dragonbarrow Cave Dungeon Walkthrough – Elden Ring

Short dungeon containing easy to acquire unique items, as well as a Runebear enemy that puts most of Elden Ring’s bosses to shame. Unique Rewards: Bull-Goat’s Talisman Flamedrake Talisman +2 Make sure to grab the site of grace at the…

divine tower of caelid featuredimage elden ring

Divine Tower of Caelid – Elden Ring Walkthrough

Found at the very north of Caelid, in Greyoll’s Dragonbarrow, the Divine Tower of Caelid is accessed by climbing the tower’s exterior. On top of allowing you to restore Radahn’s Great Rune, it also leads to another optional boss: the…