Malcolm Schmitz

Malcolm Schmitz

Malcolm Schmitz is a freelance writer from the United States. He loves life sims, JRPGs, and strategy games, and loves modding games even more than he loves playing them.
worstvideogamemovies 2

The 10 Worst Video Game Movie Adaptations

Critics hate video game movies. We recently published an article about the best video game movies ever made, and one of the things that came up over and over again was how difficult it is to find a video game…

bestvideogamemovies eipgaming

10 Best Video Game Movie Adaptations

Video game movies have a bad reputation, and deservedly so. For every good video game film, there’s an Uwe Boll monstrosity. Most video game movies currently out there are shlocky horror or badly acted martial arts camp. On top of…

A screenshot of Civilization 1 for DOS with icons from Windows 3.1 superimposed over it.

Best DOS Games You Can Still Play Online

Ah, DOS. Who can forget the halcyon days of 320×200 resolution, teal-and-pink CGA graphics, and the hellish screams of the dial-up modem? It’s hard to believe that games that once required an entire beige box to run will now fit…

biggest video game flops of all time drake of the 99 dragons bad video games

6 of the Biggest Video Game Flops Of All Time

Some video games will forever be remembered because they pushed the medium of gaming forward, because their stories were meaningful, because of their incredible graphics or wildly innovative gameplay. Some video games will forever be remembered because”¦ they’re bad. They…