Lucky Boop

Lucky Boop

Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.
Geralt in the Wandering in the Dark Quest in The Witcher 3

Wandering in the Dark – The Witcher 3

The hunt for Ciri continues with Keira Metz as you delve into elven ruins together looking for her. Not long after entering the ruins, you will encounter members of the Wild Hunt. In an effort to catch up to them…

Tank Designer Guide Featured Image

Hearts of Iron IV Tank Designer Guide

With the release of the No Steps Back DLC, Paradox released a completely overhauled tank designer that allows virtually unlimited customizability for your armored units. The new designer can look daunting at first glance, but I will be breaking down…

nuclear bombs in Hearts of Iron IV

How to Use Nukes in Hearts of Iron IV

Nuclear weapons are a weapon option that appears towards the end of a typical Hearts of Iron IV game. All things considered, Nukes are pretty weak in Hearts of Iron IV and won’t really help you win wars. But, if…


A Princess in Distress – The Witcher 3

After talking to the Pellar you will be tasked with bringing him his goat, Princess. Head directly to the marker on your map and use your Witcher senses to listen for a goat bleating. You should be able to quickly…

Featured Image for the Imperial Audience Quest in the Witcher 3

Imperial Audience – The Witcher 3

Upon arrival in Vizima you are prepared for your audience with the emperor himself, Emhyr var Emreis. If you did not import a Witcher 2 save but chose to simulate one, you will make those decisions now. Once you are…

Geralt and Vesemir after the Incident.

The Incident at White Orchard – The Witcher 3

Tensions are high in White Orchard’s Inn when you arrive and talk to Vesemir. While the witchers are preparing to leave, they are attacked by bandits inside the inn. Keep in mind while fighting the bandits that parrying while they…

Supply Featured Image

How Supply Works in Hearts of Iron IV

With the No Steps Back update, managing supply lines got more complicated to say the least. Instead of just worrying about infrastructure levels and producing enough equipment, now the player has to worry about rail lines, motorization levels, and supply…

Diplomacy featured image for Hearts of Iron IV.

Hearts of Iron IV Diplomacy

In Hearts of Iron, your ability to perform diplomatic maneuvers will play a big role in how your campaigns go. Whether you are justifying a war or pushing for a neutral country to join your side, you will utilize diplomacy…

Image for Government in Hearts of Iron IV.

Hearts of Iron IV Government

Government in Hearts of Iron IV represents the internal politics of your country, while applying passive bonuses to it. The key components to your government are political power, ideas, and ideology. Political Power Think of political power as the currency…