Joseph Wright

Joseph Wright

Joseph is a 20-year-old male who enjoys a variety of video game genres from shooters to strategy, not that he is any good at any of them. He has always enjoyed video games from his childhood as a dedicated Nintendo fan to his exploration of the PC gaming world, which started with Portal 2. Outside of gaming there really isn't a lot to Joseph. He'd describe his personality as the hat he is wearing which doesn't really provide a lot of information outside the fact he played too much Team Fortress 2 and picked up some bad habits.
Video Game Secrets Girls Whispering

Five Video Gaming’s Well Hidden Secrets

Secrets are everywhere in video games these days. Whether it’s a hidden character, item or a secret the developers made for eagle-eyed players to find, there is always something waiting to be found. But not all secrets were created equal.…

Subaeria News Header

Subaeria Underwater Puzzler Review

Living under the sea never seems to be a glamorous experience. Every video game that takes place under the sea displays it as a dystopian environment. That’s not to say that these worlds aren’t entertaining to play through. Subaeria is…

Wrecking Ball Header Image

Overwatch Wrecking Ball Tips and Tricks

Overwatch has released its newest character, Wrecking Ball, onto the PTR servers. Being a sentient hamster from space in the world’s largest hamster ball, he seems like a difficult character to get to grips with. So, we thought we would…