

I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

NeoFeud Review – Dystopian Point-and-Click Adventure

Something I have always had a love for is sci-fi dysoptian stories. Especially ones that include robots or augmentations. So, when I saw NeoFeud, I was immediately interested. A point-and-click adventure that is set in the not too distant future.…

lona realm of colors

Lona Realm of Colors Gets Backed On Kickstarter

Every once in a while, I will scroll down my Twitter feed to see the wondrous sea of game developers tweeting about their games. And on a few occasions, I will see a game that will pique my interest. In…

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Bethesda’s Secret Game – Coming 2017

Okay, so this was news to me too. When heard that Bethesda is bringing out another game this year that they haven’t told anyone about yet. Of course, my first thought was “Please be Elder Scrolls VI!” But, I doubt…

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Combat Squad FPS Mobile Review

If you have ever wanted to play an FPS on your mobile, now you can. Combat Squad FPS Mobile does exactly what it says on the tin. You control your own squad and can go up against other players in…


Observer – First Look Review

Observer is a first person sci-fi horror game set in the dystopian future. Giving off a very Blade Runner vibe, it already promises to be a visually stunning piece. From the developers behind Layers of Fear, no-one had any doubts…

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Lost Lake Lights Kickstarter Review

Lost Lake Lights is an indie horror- comedy game like no other. Created by the guy who made creature models for the TV series Grimm, this game promises an experience like you’ve never seen. The story tells of a couple…

episodic gaming

Episodic Gaming – How Much Value Do We Get?

Something we have seen in more recent years is the increase in episodic gaming. I’m not talking about season gaming like with Tell Tale games. This style of gaming tends to be more related to indie titles. It works in…


6 Steam Games To Play This Summer

When you think of summer you think of warm sunny beaches, ice cream and barbecues. However, for some of us, it means playing lots of video games. Although, to be fair, any time of year is the time to play…

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Sally Face Episode 1 & 2 – A Review So Far

Sally Face is a stylised horror adventure game with a lot of charm. The story so far, is being unravelled through episodes; a common trend for indie game developers today. But, this game has for the most part carried it…