The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

ladies of the wood

Ladies Of The Wood – The Witcher 3

Follow the quest marker to reach a wooden shrine, then examine it. From the shrine follow the path leading deeper into the swamp until you come across a clump of buildings. Head towards the middle of the area and a…

Geralt in the Whispering Hillock Quest in The Witcher 3

The Whispering Hillock – The Witcher 3

In order to find more information about Ciri, you have been sent to Downwarren to perform a task for the Crones of Crookback Bog. After speaking to the ealdorman head to the southeast towards the Whispering Hillock. Proceed to the…

Geralt in the Wandering in the Dark Quest in The Witcher 3

Wandering in the Dark – The Witcher 3

The hunt for Ciri continues with Keira Metz as you delve into elven ruins together looking for her. Not long after entering the ruins, you will encounter members of the Wild Hunt. In an effort to catch up to them…


A Princess in Distress – The Witcher 3

After talking to the Pellar you will be tasked with bringing him his goat, Princess. Head directly to the marker on your map and use your Witcher senses to listen for a goat bleating. You should be able to quickly…

Featured Image for the Imperial Audience Quest in the Witcher 3

Imperial Audience – The Witcher 3

Upon arrival in Vizima you are prepared for your audience with the emperor himself, Emhyr var Emreis. If you did not import a Witcher 2 save but chose to simulate one, you will make those decisions now. Once you are…

Geralt and Vesemir after the Incident.

The Incident at White Orchard – The Witcher 3

Tensions are high in White Orchard’s Inn when you arrive and talk to Vesemir. While the witchers are preparing to leave, they are attacked by bandits inside the inn. Keep in mind while fighting the bandits that parrying while they…

Geralt surrounded by the Barons men in The Witcher 3

Family Matters – The Witcher 3

At the conclusion of the Ciri flashback, you will resume your conversation with the Bloody Baron. The time has come to begin your investigation into his missing wife and daughter. After you finish speaking with the Baron, proceed upstairs and…

witcher 3 walkthrough

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Walkthrough

Welcome to EIP Gaming’s Witcher 3: Wild Hunt main story walkthrough, it has been broken down into each of the main quests so that it may be easier to navigate and reduce the amount of clutter you may see.  The…