Hearts of Iron IV Patch 1.13 Dev Diary – Historical Denmark

The latest developer diary for Arms Against Tyranny covers the historical focuses for Denmark, changes to its starting situation, and some new unique mechanics. Denmark infamously surrendered two hours after Germany invaded during World War 2, so the developers had to get a bit creative here.

Denmark Changes

Denmark’s starting position receives a few significant changes. Its conscription law has been changed from Volunteer Only to Disarmed Nation, leaving it with 0.5% less recruitable population at game start. Along with that are three new national focuses which will negatively impact Denmark until they are removed or modified through the new focus tree.

The main unique mechanic for Denmark is the Balance of Power, leaning between becoming a welfare state or investing heavily into the military. Most political decisions will have some impact on your balance, including hiring advisors.

hearts of iron 4 denmark balance of power preoccupation
A sneak peek at the Balance of Power and some of the new decisions

Fans of the Victoria series will be happy to see some of the political changes for Denmark. The neutral country will now have a three year election cycle, giving the player more opportunities to pivot to a new government. This works well with the expanded party and leader options available to the country. Other political changes include calling a motion of no confidence and calling for a snap election.

hearts of iron 4 denmark no confidence event

If history repeats itself and Denmark becomes occupied, players will be locked to two focus tree branches, the industrial tree and an occupation tree. Additionally, the Balance of Power will shift to balancing autonomy and the overlords influence. The goal is to make it a more interactive experience with the opportunity to work with Germany or rise against them.

The changes to Denmark should make it an interesting country to play, with some absolutely brutal modifiers to start the game with. Its nice to see a focus on gameplay after you are occupied for smaller countries where it is an extremely likely result. Expect future developer diaries to talk about alternate history focus trees and new DLC mechanics.

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Lucky Boop
Lucky Boop

Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.

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