Gaming Guides

starscourge radahn featured image elden ring

How to Beat Starscourge Radahn – Elden Ring Boss Guide

Rewards: Radahn’s Great Rune, Remembrance of the Starscourge, 70 000Summons Available: Yes Starscourge Radahn is another demigod Shardbearer, and while defeating him isn’t mandatory to progress through the game, this encounter is definitely worth experiencing. General Tips Your mount is…

redmane castle featuredimage elden ring

Redmane Castle Dungeon Walkthrough – Elden Ring

Since this dungeon not only has 2 entrances but also different enemies/paths depending on whether you’re following Ranni‘s questline or not, we’ll assume that you have gone through the Siofra River dungeon and that Blaidd cleaned up the castle before…

godskin apostle featured image elden ring

How to Beat the Godskin Apostle – Elden Ring

Found at several locations in the Lands Between, this boss has a higher than average HP pool as well as a well rounded moveset able to reach you at close, medium and longer range. General Tips Mounted Strategy While on…

fort gael featuredimage elden ring

Fort Gael Dungeon Walkthrough – Elden Ring

A shorter than usual dungeon, with a grand total of 5 enemies, but also some useful loot and a shortcut to this area’s main dungeon. Unique Rewards: Katar Ash of War: Lion’s Claw Starscourge Heirloom Once you make it all…

how to beat wormface featured image

How to Beat Wormface – Elden Ring Boss Guide

Rewards: Crimsonspill Crystal Tear Speckled Hardtear 10,000 Summons Available: Yes Found at the foot of the Minor Erdtree on the Altus Plateau, this boss isn’t too tough — unless you let it Death Blight you, in which case it will…

caelid bosses featured image

Caelid Bosses – Elden Ring

Caelid, a scarlet-blighted wasteland of decay and ruin, is one of the most treacherous regions in Elden Ring, teeming with grotesque and relentless foes. Its bosses, twisted by rot and madness, demand precision and resilience from any Tarnished who dares…