

If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
How to Get Adhesive in Fallout 4

How to Get Adhesive in Fallout 4

Adhesive is a very valuable component in regards to crafting. Its use is required in almost every weapon, armor, or robot modification. Adhesive Locations To find adhesive, you will need to find the junk items that can be broken down…

How to Get Screws in Fallout 4

How to Get Screws in Fallout 4

Crafting weapons, modifications, armor, and more in Fallout 4 requires certain components that can be found throughout The Commonwealth. Many of these components can be obtained by scrapping the junk you find throughout your journeys. Screws are essential to crafting,…

Fallout 4 Hacking Guide

Fallout 4 Hacking Guide

Hacking, along with lockpicking, is a great way to take advantage of the world in Fallout 4. This skill can be used to open doors, gain access to stashes, control enemy defense systems, and much more There are 4 difficulty…

Fallout 4 Books Magazines Guide

Fallout 4 Books & Magazines Guide

Spread throughout the world of Fallout 4 are books, magazines, and comics. These collectibles will give a permanent bonus once found. After you find one, you can either keep it, throw it away, or sell it, as the bonus is…

Fallout 4 Armor Guide

Fallout 4 Armor Guide

The wasteland is a dangerous place; filled with raiders, super mutants, robots, and animals with a nasty disposition. Even with that all-powerful mini-gun you’re carrying around, a well-placed bullet to the knee will end your post-apocalyptic adventure if you don’t…

Fallout 4 Chems Guide

Fallout 4 Chems Guide

In Fallout 4, chems have a variety of uses. For example, some chems give you a greater damage threshold in combat, while others may increase intelligence for a short duration. If you use a chem too often it may lead…

Fallout 4 The Institute Guide

Fallout 4 The Institute Guide

The Institute is usually the last faction you will meet in Fallout 4. Until you meet them personally, you will only find out tidbits of information and hear the fears of them from others in the Commonwealth. (There will be…

Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel Guide

Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel Faction Guide

The Brotherhood of Steel have been a staple of the Fallout series since its first entry, with some spinoff games entirely centered around them. The Brotherhood was built from the remnants of the U.S. military. They operate under a strict…

Fallout 4 Companion Perks

Fallout 4 Companion Perks

This guide will go through each of the special perks Fallout 4 companions have, as well as the play styles that these perks are best used for. There are many types of play styles players can try out. For example,…

Fallout 4 The Railroad Guide Quests

Fallout 4 The Railroad Faction Guide

The Railroad is similar to the underground railroad of American history. They aim to free the enslaved and persecuted synths that live in the Commonwealth. Synths are creations of The Institute, and the newer models are almost indistinguishable from humans.…