

Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.
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How to Prepare for Winter – Going Medieval

The biggest threat to your settlers in Going Medieval isn’t raids by bloodthirsty cannibals, or wolves, or the plague — it’s winter. When the temperature drops, crops won’t grow, and you’ll have to rely on stored food and hunting to…

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How to Get Metal Ore – Going Medieval

While you can get by without it, metal is a necessary ingredient for many of the higher-level items and objects in the game. There’s a few steps to getting usable metal: you’ll first need to find it and mine it,…

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How to Remove Chains From Settlers – Going Medieval

Settlers who join your settlement after escaping from bandits will sometimes arrived chained up. It can be hard to tell at a glance, but you’ll see a negative modifier on a settler’s Mood tab if they’re chained. Anytime a new…

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Farming – Going Medieval

Farming is relatively straightforward in Going Medieval: you designate an area for crops using the Zone menu [F7] , they grow, and your settlers will automatically harvest them (assuming someone has been assigned to do so). That being said, you…

going medieval resources books

Research – Going Medieval

When your settlers first arrive to their new home in Going Medieval, they’ll do so with fairly limited knowledge — they won’t even know how to grow cabbage. One of your first priorities should be creating a Basic Research Table,…

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Jobs – Going Medieval

In order to make sure that everything important gets done in your settlement, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with how jobs work in Going Medieval. Let’s first take a look at the Jobs menu [Y]: Here you can set priorities…

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Aion Classic Character Creation Becomes Available Today

If you’ve got an awesome name for your Aion Classic character all lined up, today’s the day to lock it in. A post on the official Aion forum states that the period allowing Aion Classic Character Creation and Name Reservation…