Gaming News

Skyrim Prima Game Guide

Skyrim Official Game Guide

Skyrim is the absolute best game ever! Ten races, rebellions, smack talk, and thousands of ways to die, including by the fiery breath of dragons. For gamers new to the genre of role playing games (RPG), the options are overwhelming.…

Being Driven Crazy The Skyrim Way

All right, I admit it. I’ve got this thing about “noise” when I’m trying to concentrate. When I was a kid, my brother would drive me insane every morning at breakfast. There I was, sitting at the table with a…

Dungeon of Elements Kickstarter

I’ve just finished writing a post about one Kickstarter campaign and even while the virtual blog ink is still drying I got told of another one. This time it is for a new RPG game called Dungeon of Elements, developed…

Skyrim Videos

A collection of Skyrim Fansite videos for your enjoyment. [youtube_sc url=””] Skyrim Legendary Edition Overview [youtube_sc url=”ebHJD6iuGp8″] Skyrim Epic Fail #1 How Not to Fight a Dragon [youtube_sc url=”gXdjQJbRBVA”] Skyrim Wallpaper [youtube_sc url=”DBA4_Ot8yv8″] Skyrim The Music Critic

Skyrim Shout

My Favorite Skyrim Shout

Being Dragonborn doesn’t come without its benefits. Not only do the Skyrim locals talk agog about the Dragonborn like Justin Bieber fans talking up their favorite idol at a Teen’s Choice Awards program, but the Dragonborn gets the power of…