Hearts of Iron IV Patch 1.10, Battle for the Bosporus DLC

On October 15th, the next update to Hearts of Iron 4 will come out. The DLC will emphasize changes to countries around the Black Sea while the update will focus on quality of life for new players.

Patch 1.10, otherwise known as “Collie,” brings an enhanced tutorial and a slew of bug fixes. In addition to this, all players will have access to the Heavy Cruiser 3d Asset Pack, formerly locked to the Colonel Edition of the game.

The Hearts of Iron series is challenging to get into, and the Collie patch seeks to amend this. New players will be able to access tutorial videos in-game for a variety of features. Tutorials can be accessed from alerts at the top of the screen.

List of available tutorial videos released in Hearts of Iron IV Patch 1.10

According to the most recent dev diary.

  • Fixed a bug where Serbia was using the incorrect country colors.
  • Banning Communism or Fascism should now also remove foreign communist/fascist influence national spirits.
  • Fixed foreign equipment not showing up under stockpiles ui
  • Yugoslavia may now complete industry focuses if the owner of the province is their subject
  • Fixed enemy ship count now showing up in strategic region ui
  • Added some missing descriptions of special ship hulls (MtG only)
  • Fixed some mods being erroneously removed at game start
  • The external actor on the losing side of a civil war no longer get their units wiped if they were in the winner’s territory as long as the civil war did not become a full blown out war
  • Yugoslavia will now lose the Anti-German Military spirit if the military has already instigated a coup.
  • Rocket sites will now properly delete remaining stock when captured and not crash the game further down the line
  • Fixed a missing national spirit icon in the French tree
  • Fixed some issues with AI operative assignments that was trying to make them assign same operative multiple times
  • Fixed operative being stuck on rescue mission when there are no operative left to rescue
  • Added a nudger generated file to the list of files to backup and remove by the Clear Cache action
  • Added missing “do nothing” option to an event
  • Set ROM starting ruling party to non-aligned
  • Updated Institute Royal Monarchy focus to start with 65% Non-Aligned support
  • Fixed a typo in wtt_events_l_english.yml for Germany Anti-Soviet Pact news pop-up
  • Removed Italian_generic_land_4 soldier and added Britain_generic_land_6 soldier instead.
  • New hat for error dog
  • Added portrait to vanilla GER

The newest DLC for Hearts of Iron IV brings revamped focus trees for Turkey, Bulgaria, and Greece. Alongside the new focus trees, the listed countries will receive new unit models and custom voiceovers.

The new Balkan Faction versus The Axis in Hearts of Iron IV

As Turkey, chart a new course for the nation by reforming the Ottoman Empire, becoming the protector of the Balkans, or following its historical path.

Bulgaria is in a position to influence the entire war. Will you reclaim your lands lost in 1919 and carve out a new empire, or will you stand with Germany once again?

Greece is at a crossroads with many options before it. Players can choose to take the path to fascism and stand with the Axis, reestablish Alexander’s Empire, or stand with the Allies.

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Lucky Boop
Lucky Boop

Strategy game enthusiast, especially Paradox titles and the Civilization series. Whenever he's not writing he spends his time watching sports, enjoying coffee, or studying history.

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