Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.
Blacksmoke Mountain Dragon

Pocket Legends: Halloween Update

Halloween is just over a week away and the Legends series has gotten spooky with the latest batch of updates from Spacetime Studios. The recent expansion to Pocket Legends has been released which takes our heroes into lava mountains to…

AL announcement

Arcane Legends Trailer

You may remember that a couple of weeks ago I let you in on a few details about the pet system in Arcane Legends. You can read about it here. Well those nice chaps and chapettes at Spacetime Studios have…

Arcane Legends New Pet System

With the new World of Warcraft expansion due for release in a matter of days now in which one of the biggest features is the new pet battle system. It’s not surprising that other MMO’s are following suit and incorporating…

Sims 3 Supernatural Box Art

Witch Info for Sims 3 Supernatural

Since I wrote the post about all the fun I’ve been having playing a witch in the new expansion for Sims 3 Supernatural, I’ve been receiving a fair amount of questions and requests for more information. I took a long…

Magic Sims 3 Supernatural

Witch Tricks in Sims 3: Supernatural

The latest Sims 3 expansion pack, Supernatural has finally been released giving all your Sims the chance to get in touch with their spooky side. The seventh (I think) expansion brings you vampires, werewolves, ghosts, fairies and witches plus more…

Mists of Pandaria Box Art

Mists of Pandaria: Pre-expansion Hunter Changes

The latest expansion for World of Warcraft, Mists of Pandaria is out on the 25th September but as is now quite normal with an expansion they have released some of the content beforehand. We don’t have access to the Pandarans,…

Battlemage, the Skyrim way

I’ve started a new character on Skyrim. My khajjit thief-archer was a lot of fun to play but I needed to experience a more direct approach to the combat in Skyrim for my next character. Initially, I had trouble deciding…

Zombeer, Zombies and Beers: A Comic-Zombie FPS.

Imagine if you will a world where the only chance you had to survive against the hordes of zombies was drinking large amounts of beer. There is actually something in beer that can protect you against the zombie curse. Imagine…

Dark Legends’ Game Changing Update

If you’re already playing Dark Legends the vampire 3D MMO released by Spacetime Studios then you will be familiar with the limits of the energy system. For those who don’t know, your energy level dictates the actions your vampire can…