Mila Grish

Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.
easy headshots and critical strikes - icarus

Easy Headshots and Critical Hits – ICARUS

Or, how to one-shot most of the ICARUS fauna with even a basic Wood Bow and some Bone Arrows, every time, no Talents needed! And, no, you do not need impressive aiming skills to do this. The basic idea is,…

how to survive in the desert biome icarus

How to Survive in the Desert Biome – ICARUS

If you haven’t ventured outside of the Forest Biome after completing some starter missions, the Desert is a great place to start. The Desert Biome is somewhat of a middle ground between the plentiful Forest and the merciless Arctic. The…

how to survive in the arctic biome

How to Survive in the Arctic Biome – ICARUS

Cold and quiet. ICARUS’s snow biome is a deceptively calm place. First-time visitors, mesmerized by the otherworldly sights, are enticed to keep pressing in: they do not anticipate just how many things can go wrong quickly — very quickly. At…

how to find hidden caves in icarus

ICARUS How to Find Hidden Caves

Struggling to find a single cave after landing at the prospect site? Feeling exhausted, getting critically low on food and water after making two circles around the entire perimeter of your landing site? The bad news is, yes, you probably…

surviving bears in icarus

Surviving Bears in ICARUS

ICARUS bears are fast, they are quiet, and it takes them at most three hits to kill you (even if you have meat, berries, fish, and a speed boost in your arsenal). Wolves will growl to warn you to back…

beginner's guide to icarus

Beginner’s Guide to ICARUS

Pleasure to finally meet you, prospector. Perhaps you have stumbled upon this manual after experiencing some… unexpected troubles during your first weeks on Icarus. Or, maybe you are erring on the side of caution, wisely studying ahead of the dangerous…