

Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.
how to get more dice legacy guide featured image

How to Get More Dice – Dice Legacy

Maybe you skipped the tutorial, or maybe you’re just idly thinking about Dice Legacy while you’re supposed to be working. Whatever your reason for coming here, this guide will show you how to create more dice in Dice Legacy. If…

how to get more than 12 dice featured image dice legacy guide

How to Get More Than 12 Dice – Dice Legacy

Everything that you can do in Dice Legacy, you do with dice. But getting as many dice as possible out in your fields, mines, and workshops isn’t always simple. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how to go…

featured image how to unfreeze dice legacy

How to Unfreeze Dice – Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy is all about your dice, and so keeping your dice healthy (as weird as that sounds) is a crucial aspect of the game. One of the ways in which your dice can become incapacitated is by freezing during…

how the obsession mechanic works featured image

How the Obsession Works – Dead by Daylight

Most of Dead by Daylight’s mechanics are fairly straightforward, but one aspect of the game that is not easy to understand is the Obsession mechanic. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how a Survivor can become the Obsession,…

fun with ragdolls featured image september game giveaway

EIP Gaming Giveaways – September Edition

School is back in session, which may or may not be something you’re excited about. We’re also still giving away free games, which you should definitely be excited about! In fact, EIP.gg will be giving away a free Steam game…

how to put campfire indoors valheim guide

How to Put a Campfire Indoors – Valheim

Despite being a game about Vikings fighting monsters, Valhiem likes to play by real-world rules in many instances — and that includes smoke inhalation, and putting fires on wooden floors. Placing a Campfire Indoors Having a fire in your shelter…