Gaming Reviews


‘Prototype’ xBox 360 Game Review

Following on from the huge enjoyment I experienced from playing Batman: Arkham Asylum, I delved once again through the xBox 360 Platinum Hits shelf at my local video game score. With yet more sage advice from a mate, I picked…

Have a few ‘Words with Friends’

Work has been slowing down recently, and there’s one of two things I could have done about it. I could have diligently, and pro-actively sought out new tasks at work, maybe even sorted out all those things that have needed…

runes of magic town

Runes of Magic: MMO Review

Over the past few days, I’ve downloaded Frogster Interactive’s Rune of Magic and have found time to spend a few hours finding out exactly what makes this one of the best Free-to-Play MMO’s out these days. I’ve played till level…

Batman: Arkham Asylum Review

This weekend, I managed to catch-up with the rest of the gaming population and bought Rocksteady Studios’ ‘Batman: Arkham Asylum‘ for my xBox 360. A mate recommended it to me and after seeing it as a Platinum Hit for a…

Dungeons? Is it trying to be Dungeon Keeper 3

Quite honestly, I think it is and it doesn’t do a terrible job. The fundamentals of Dungeon Keeper remain, and it’s been made all shiny and pretty. Bullfrog made Dungeon Keeper and its sequel Dungeon Keeper II sometime in the…

diablo iii game preview

Diablo III: Game Preview

This year, Blizzard’s signature RPG dungeon-crawler series is to have a new addition, Diablo III. Diablo II is one of the best-selling RPGs of all time, but is this latest addition likely to take its place or are developers trying…

torchlight review not just a diablo clone

Torchlight Review: Not Just a Diablo Clone

Can’t wait until Diablo III is out later this year? Bored of Diablo II and looking for something new and cheap that can fill that spot? ‘Torchlight’ may just be worth a look. Torchlight is a dungeon-crawling RPG created by…