Gaming News

Unlimited Quests in Skyrim

If roughly 300 hours of game play wasn’t enough for you Todd Howard has a bit more to add to it. You may never have to stop questing in Bethesda’s upcoming release The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. got a…

The Animation of Skyrim

Animation issues have plagued past Elder Scrolls games from the tacky spell casting to the awkward jumping, not to mention the lack luster melee combat. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is set to change this notion with completely new animations…

Enchanting in Skyrim

Enchanting has always been a part of The Elder Scrolls series, who doesn’t enjoy adding a little fire magic to their sword? In past Elder Scrolls games enchanting your weapons was an expensive task and required you to speak to…

Reanimation of the Dead in Skyrim

You’re walking through the Tundra as you notice a pair of wolves, they shouldn’t be a problem you’ve dealt with their type before. After unleashing the shock spell in your left hand you take out the wolf to your left.…

Skyrim’s Vast Landscapes

While tracking the deer you managed to lodge an arrow into you notice the fall leaves falling ever so slowly around you. In the distance you see a snow storm brewing at the top of the mountains as lava begins…

The Merciless Weather of Skyrim

You begin to notice a dull roar above you as you traverse the devastating landscape of the Northern Coast. You catch minor glimpses of what appears to be flames in the horizon; you’re unprepared. As the thundering roar approaches so…

The Life of a Thief in Skyrim

It’s half past 2 a.m. on Middas and you’ve got a job to do. Your cloak, torn and stained, assists you in becoming invisible as you sneak through shadows of the Port District in Solitude. A pair of guards walk…