Gaming Guides

change your appearance in skyrim

Change Your Appearance In Skyrim

One of the great things about Skyrim is the game’s character creation system. As far as RPGs go, Skyrim‘s system truly is robust. When I played the game for the first time, I spent hours fine tuning my character’s appearance.…

Daedric Artifacts

Daedric Artifacts: What You Need To Know

Skyrim is absolutely amazing, and gamers can literally spend hundreds of hours exploring the vast, open world and still not experience everything the game has to offer. There are close to 300 quests alone that players can undertake — everything…

get married in skyrim

Three Reasons To Get Married In Skyrim

In our latest Skyrim Fansite poll we asked if players have gotten married in Skyrim. The majority of poll respondents answered that they either hadn’t gotten married (38%) or didn’t know that you could get married in Skyrim (28%). The…

Make Gold In Skyrim

Easy Ways To Make Gold In Skyrim

Make Gold In Skyrim Skyrim Ñ–Ñ• bу fаr thе easiest оf аll Elder Scroll games whеn Ñ–t соmеѕ tо earning thousands оf gold coins Ñ–n а short time, аnd thеrе аrе quÑ–tе literally loads оf ways tо dо it. You…

Skyrim Perks Guide

A Guide To All Skyrim Perks

We can’t talk about the amazing Skyrim leveling system without talking about Skyrim Perks. Skyrim Perks are awesome, and basically represent a character’s skill improvement and knowledge gained as he or she progresses throughout the game. Practically speaking, Skyrim Perks…

The Falmer

The Falmer Player’s Guide

In our most recent Skyrim Fansite poll, readers were asked to pick the creepiest enemy in Skyrim. Not surprisingly, the Falmer came out on top with 34% of the vote, beating out the likes of Hagravens, Draugr, Frostbite Spiders, Spriggans,…