Val Hull

Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.
alone in the dark water bucket puzzle featured image

How to Solve the Water Bucket Puzzle – Alone in the Dark

Soon after entering Chapter 2 of Alone in the Dark, you’ll be tasked with collecting some missing plates scattered throughout Derceto. Your search will eventually lead you into the Kitchen Garden area where you’ll see one of the plates inside…

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Broken Compass Lagniappe – Alone in the Dark

When you’re navigating with a Broken Compass, it’s no surprise when your boat runs ashore, or you end up in some distant troubling dreamscape. The Broken Compass is a collectible Lagniappe in Alone in the Dark that, when combined into…

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Vagabonds Lagniappe Set – Alone in the Dark

This guide will help you assemble the Vagabonds Lagniappe set during your Alone in the Dark playthrough. Once you do it, the game will reluctantly reveal a shred of its Forbidden Knowledge to you. Vagabonds Lagniappes These are the Lagniappes…

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A Great Depression Lagniappe Set – Alone in the Dark

This guide will lead you to the Lagniappes required to complete A Great Depression Lagniappe set in Alone in the Dark. Once you find them all, you’ll unlock a glimmer of Forbidden Knowledge and become a bit closer to unraveling…

alone in the dark profane totem

Profane Totem Lagniappe – Alone in the Dark

Not to be confused with a Propane Totem, Profane Totem is a Lagniappe in Alone in the Dark you’ll need to collect if you’re looking to complete A Goat Without Horns Set. This guide will lead you right to it.…