

If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.
fallout 4 settlement happiness

Fallout 4 Settlement Happiness

If you had plans to extract efficient labor from your unsuspecting settlers by spreading anxiety, fear, and all other wonderful ways of negative motivation, I am afraid I have bad news: If a settlement reaches 0 happiness, you will eventually…

death's door optimizations & bug fixes

Death’s Door Optimizations & Bug Fixes

Acid Nerve has published some optimizations and bug fixes to the game today on Steam. Tweaked controller configuration in game to allow DS4Windows to work correctly with Playstation controllers. Added “uinput” flag to config file, may allow some users to…

fallout 4 settlement defense

Fallout 4 Settlement Defense

You’ve built yourself a beautiful new settlement! All seems well until a band of raiders show up to ruin your day because you decided to shower them with flowers instead of bullets! In the words of late Sci-Fi author Robert…

diablo 2 resurrected early access beta now live

Diablo 2: Resurrected Early Access Beta Now Live

Today marks the opening of the Early Access Beta for Diablo 2: Resurrected. The Open Beta will start next weekend on August 20th. Beta Dates Early AccessOnly available to players who: pre-purchased D2R, purchased the Diablo Prime Evil Collection, or…

Fallout 4 How to Assign Settlers

How to Assign Settlers in Fallout 4

Congratulations! You’ve planted your first carrot.But wait, why isn’t the food meter going up? Well it’s because you haven’t assigned anyone to harvest it! From crops, to shops, to guard posts, there are many important jobs you can give to…

Fallout 4 Settlements Food

Fallout 4 Food and Water in Settlements

Like any living thing, you and your settlers need food and water to survive (and to be happy). However, ways to optimize your water and food production may not appear obvious at first, so we will cover your options in…

Fallout 4 Generator with PYLONS

How to Use Power in Fallout 4

An important factor in keeping many settlement components functioning smoothly is power! Fallout 4’s workshop has several objects that require electricity (and a specific amount of it) in order to run: light sources, water purifiers, and automated defenses, for example.…

going medieval patch notes bug fixes, pathfinding

Going Medieval Patch Notes: Bug Fixes, Pathfinding

The Going Medieval team has released patch, this patch has multiple bug fixes to prevent game crashes, animals spawn rate rebalance, and minor pathfinding optimization. This was posted on their Steam page and can be read below: Patch…

aion classic character reservation faction balance measures

Aion Classic Character Reservation: Faction Balance Measures

Yesterday NCSOFT opened character reservations for Aion Classic on the two servers they are planning to release with. After less than a day and thousands of characters reserved they’ve have to implement limitations on which factions can be created prior…

aion classic races

Aion Classic Races

The world of Atreia is inhabited by two playable factions, the Asmodians and the Elyos, along with a third non-playable faction (the Balaur): Asmodians The Asmodians are a brave and hardy people, separated from the Elyos by the Epic Cataclysm…