Gaming News

Quest Hunter Header Image 1

Quest Hunter Greenlit by Steam

Fresh off the bat from been greenlit by the Steam community is Quest Hunter a light-hearted RPG about treasure hunting and the skillful use of shovels during the night-time. Yes, shovels at night. You heard me. Quest Hunter by 2…

Days Gone E3 2016 Header

E3 2016: Bend Studio’s Days Gone Revealed

Would you look at that? It appears Sony have been cooking up a secret stew in the form of “Days Gone” a new IP from Bend Studios, often lauded for their creation of the acclaimed Syphon Filter series. Set in…

Battlefield 1 EA 2016 Header

Battlefield 1 Showcased by EA Dice E3 2016

During EA Play’s conference on Sunday, EA Dice discussed more about Battlefield 1, as well as showing off the game in its current stage being played in a 32 v 32 streamed multiplayer match. Set in World War 1, Battlefield…

Fallout 4 DLC Announced at E3 2016

When Bethesda spoke at E3 2016 they showed trailers of the next three Fallout 4 DLC’s that will be available over the next few months. The trailer below shows just what’s in store for our lone survivor, and seem to…

PC Gaming SHow E3 2016 Header

PC Gaming Show E3 2016 Coverage

Being a PC Gamer, the PC Gaming Show has always been one of my favourite parts of E3, it always gives me so much information about all the new games and MMO’s and the PC Gaming Show at E3 this…

TitanFall 2 E3 2016 Header

E3 2016 Titanfall 2 News

Vince Zampella took to the stage during today’s EA Play press conference to confirm that Respawn Entertainment’s Titanfall 2 will have a single-player mode and will also be available for Playstation 4 in addition to Xbox One and Windows PCs.…

Mass Effect Andromeda E3 2016 Header

E3 2016 Mass Effect Andromeda Trailer

Bioware made a splash today when they revealed their new trailer for Mass Effect Andromeda at EA Play’s 2016 conference. They aim for this installment into the franchise to be more ambitious, bring more characters, provide more player freedom, introduce…

Chronicles of Elyria Header

Chronicles of Elyria MMO News

Chronicles of Elyria, a new MMO on the horizon looks to handle a major MMO component in a different way. Despite the great variety in MMO’s all of them, at least to my knowledge has one thing in common. Death…

Fallout 4 Settlement Building – Power

You remember a few days ago a little post that dealt with all the basics of building a settlement in Fallout 4. It dealt with the basic structure, so bolting together those bits of wood and metal to build a…