Radio Viscera is Chaotic Combo Carnage

Bored of using plain old weapons on enemies? Want to take down your foes in a way that makes you look genius and bad-ass? Well then, you owe it to yourself to check out Radio Viscera, the newest game from Fire Face. Set to release in summer of this year, Radio Viscera comes from Owen Deery, the same guy whose first game was the decidedly weird — yet captivating — Small Radios Big Televisions. Set in 1999, Radio Viscera has you escaping from a Y2K Doomsday cult facility by blasting your way through walls and flinging enemies into industrial equipment. Quite frankly, it looks awesome:

radioviscera combo moves
I think this gif illustrates the game better than any article could. Is my work meaningless?

You’ll have to make clever use of your surroundings in Radio Viscera, as the only way to take out your foes is to send them flying into stuff that can kill them. As you smash your way through the level, you’ll build up a combo-meter that will continue to fill as long as you’re flinging baddies or breaking walls. There is an arcade style scoring system, and players will be able to compete on an online leaderboard.

The game isn’t all frenetic action, however. In between gibbing sessions, you’ll explore peaceful outdoor areas where you can discover new accessories and outfits. Exploring can also net you mutators which alter the way the game works. Some mutators will slow down enemies or spawn more pickups, while others can have sillier effects like making enemy gibs float or making the player move like they’re on roller-skates.

radioviscera calm moment

Another cool Radio Viscera feature that I hope becomes industry standard is the automatic gif-maker: the game is constantly recording your play, and every time you get a kill it will create a gif that you can easily share with your buddies. No more missing a chance to show off an awesome moment of gameplay because you forgot to turn your recording software on!

Developer Owen Deery was kind enough to chat with us for a bit; you can check out the full interview here. You can also keep tabs on Radio Viscera by heading to the official site.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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