Gaming News

How Long Does Overwatch Have Left?

Overwatch has now been out for over half a year and it shows no signs of either stopping or losing its popularity. But, as nothing lasts forever just how long does Overwatch have before we all move on to something…

Top 5 Point and Click Adventure Games

Top 5 Point and Click Adventure Games

When I was a wee nipper (That’s Scottish for young boy) I could not get enough of point & click adventure games. I spent so many hours going from overly pixellated room to overly pixellated room trying to use every…

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Ubisoft and Open World Design

Open world game design is difficult. I won’t pretend it isn’t. But Ubisoft (and several other publishers) seem to be missing the point entirely. In the past I have enjoyed Ubisoft games immensely. Looking back on their past creations it’s…

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Top 5 PC Games To Play In 2017

Happy New Year one and all! So, 2016 has been and gone and we were blessed with some pretty decent games. However, it is a fresh start and with it (hopefully) will come some brand new and exciting games. I…

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What Makes Good Horror Games?

I love horror games. Feeling the tingle down my spine as I catch a glimpse of a monster out of the corner of my eye, and the way the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight as…

Top Posts of 2016 Header

Zombie Chimps Top Posts of 2016

2016 has come and gone, and what a year it’s been. 2016 was year filled with some excellent and truly top-notch games and gaming experiences. As we stride off into a brand new 2017, I think it’s time to look…

game awards

ZombieChimp Game Awards 2016

Its the end of the year and that can only mean one thing, awards. Gamers everywhere are looking back at 2016 and celebrating their favourite titles. I thought about doing some kind of top ten, but I feel that plenty…

5 Fallout 4 Mods For This Festive Season

Fallout 4 has given us many useful and handy mods over the last year. However, since it is the holiday season, I wanted to quickly share with you some of the more festive mods. So here we are, ladies and…


Resident Evil 7 Demo: First Looks

With Resident Evil 7 right around the corner and scheduled to release on January 24, 2017, I decided to take a look at the demo to see what was new with the series. The demo received an update after a…

Favourite Overwatch Hero Header Image

Favourite Overwatch Heroes Update

When I first bought Overwatch, over six months ago I wrote this post explaining which of the three Overwatch heroes are my favourite and why. Well, I thought it would be fun to go through which three Overwatch heroes are…