Gaming Guides

palworld where to spend dog coins

Where to Find & Spend Dog Coins – Palworld

One of the new things Sakurajima Update introduced to Palworld was a second currency, in the form of Dog Coins. These coins can be found just about anywhere, but figuring out how to spend them isn’t quite as easy —…

palworld how to fight in the arena

How to Fight in the Arena – Palworld

Not only did the Sakurajima update add a whole new island to explore, but it also came with whole new game mode in the form of the Arena! This mode allows you to take 3 of your Pals and battle…

palworld where to get coal

How to Get Coal – Palworld

As you start making your way to late game in Palworld, you will start needing to make Refined Ingots. In addition to Ore, you’ll need Coal to make these. As many of the higher end Technologies will require Refined Ingots,…