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PC Gaming Build – Graphics Card and Processor

In a world that is constantly trying to get you to spend your money, sometimes it is hard to know what to buy. As a gamer, I often find myself looking over the latest PC deals. Drooling over the newest…

What Would Bring me back to No Mans Sky Header

What Would Bring Me Back to No Mans Sky?

No Mans Sky has managed to be one of the bestselling games of 2016 with over 700,00 copies sold, while also having the much less impressive statistic of a 90% drop off in play figures within only a month or…

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Soldier 76 Overwatch Tips & Tricks

Soldier 76 is one of Overwatch’s most player characters. You’re introduced to him in the tutorial as he guides you through the basic controls and after playing a few games with him it’s easy to see why. Although, every character…

Brain Training with Overwatch

Brain Training with Overwatch FPS

If you’re here than it’s because you think video games are fun. Hoorah, and they really are but it should come to no surprise to anyone that because our brains are fantastically wonderful things we can train our brain and…

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Skilly Shooterstars Indie Shout Out

Skilly Shooterstars is an Indie game that tells an age-old classic story. It’s about a scientist who, while creating his time machine inadvertently creates a portal to another dimension, and accidentally summons a large inter-dimensional being. This inter-dimensional being, who…

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A Perspective on Overwatch Competitive Season 2

Hey guys, I wanted to share my experiences with Overwatch Competitive Season 2. I absolutely love the game, and I find the competitive modes to be the most satisfying way to play it. Even still, I had plenty of grumbles…

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Ninja Dude Vs Zombies Shout-out

Have you ever wondered what would happen if a ninja climbed to the top of the tower and tried to defend it from a never-ending horde of zombies armed only with shuriken stars? You haven’t? That’s weird. Well, now you…

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Line of Sight – Early Access BETA Review

Line of Sight is an online Multiplayer FPS that seems to have a decent grounding. However, I was less than impressed with some of the features of this game. Before you turn away thinking that this is a waste of…

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Last Weeks Top Games and Lessons

Ah, “We are time’s subject’s, and time bids be gone.” as the bard once said, or to put it another way, we’re all time’s bitch and yet another week has passed. Another seven days of thumb-busting, cramp inducing gaming on…

Terragenesis iOS Review Header Image

TerraGenesis iOS Review

In an endless sea of tapping games, Clash of the Clan rip-offs and games with an extortionate in-game purchasing system, it’s nice to see a game that is not only free but also different and engaging. TerraGenesis, an iOS app…