Val Hull

Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.
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How to Find Haldor – Valheim

Haldor is a friendly NPC trader you can find while exploring the Black Forest in Valheim. As he was there pretty much from the start, he doesn’t have a specific theme like the traders added to Valheim with future patches.…

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How to Find the Bog Witch – Valheim

The Bog Witch is a friendly NPC trader added to Valheim with the 0.219.13 Patch. As her name might suggest, this vendor lives in the Swamp, selling various potions, mushrooms, herbs, and other helpful items. Due to Valheim’s randomized nature,…

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The State of RTS Games in 2024

The ’90s were the undeniable golden age for real-time strategy games. Everyone just seemed fascinated by the idea of constructing a well-defended base, gathering resources, drawing green boxes around assorted units, and sending them into battle against a human or…

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Baldur’s Gate Trilogy Ranked – Which Game Is the Best?

When Baldur’s Gate 3 launched, it was hailed as the new gold standard in cRPGs. The game’s strikingly detailed visuals, approachable gameplay, colorful cast, and some clever viral marketing all came together to create a gaming phenomenon. Since its release…