Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.
Santa Goblin Arcane Legends

Arcane Legends Holiday Update Winter Wonderland Released

Spacetime Studios are throwing a load of completely free Christmas stuff in their latest Christmas themed patch for Arcane Legends called Winter Wonderland, and like the Halloween add-on a few months ago they have not skimped on the content. There’s…

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Pocket Legends Update with Two New Classes

If you are one of the eight million people who have downloaded Pocket Legends then you’ll be very interested to know about all the goodies Spacetime Studios have introduced in the latest update. Although if you are one of those…

Crafting in Guild Wars 2

Crafting is the bit of each new MMO that I am screaming for somebody to get right. In most cases crafting boils down to little more than pointlessly grinding materials to make endless amounts of the same item that you…

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Arcane Legends now on iOS

I’ve harped on about Arcane Legends for some time now, well there’s a good reason for that. It’s a good game, well now us poor iPhone and iPad users (not to mention those good old traditional iTouch users of which…

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Arcane Legends Released on Google Play and Android

In a rare move for any video game developer, Spacetime Studios have brought forward the release date of their exciting new MMO Arcane Legends. That’s right, rather than it being released in a few weeks it’s available now for Android…

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Arcane Legends Interview with Fernando Blanco

If you’re a regular reader of this here blog, you’ve probably read one of the various posts about the Legends series from Spacetime Studios. The newest addition to the Legends series, Arcane Legends is due to be released in a…

The Secret World MMO Review

The Secret World is a fairly new MMO released by Funcom, the same chaps who gave us Age of Conan but I had resisted the urge to buy it. I am very rarely tempted to buy any new MMO these…

Nano Ninjas Out Now

Do you like games with ninjas? What about martial arts fighting monks? Maybe you prefer something a little more futuristic and menacing robot armies is your thing. Well hold on to your hat (or if not wearing a hat, then…