Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.
What I Want in Mass Effect Andromeda

What I Want in Mass Effect Andromeda

Last night I spotted Mass Effect 3 sitting dormant in my Steam library, and through all the pain and disappointment that the game still manages to impart on me (Different coloured endings, my arse) I still couldn’t help thinking how…

Crypt Cards Indie Shout Out Header

Crypt Cards Indie Shout Out

When you play an online card game there isn’t usually much in the way of customisation. You’re generally stuck with how the game’s developers wanted things to be. The cards look how they want them to and they work how…

Overwatch Play Figures Examined

I’ve recently taken a look at the Overwatch play figures for all the heroes, that are handily gathered on masteroverwatch.com. Well, as a stat-nerd I am in hog’s-heaven with all that data After all, looking at numbers is kinda what…

Symmetra Changes to Hit PTR Header

Symmetra Changes to Hit Overwatch PTR

For those familiar with Blizzard Entertainments First Person Shooter Overwatch, having the ability to heal is a much sought after skill as far as support goes. Symmetra is the only support character to not have any healing skills, and as…

No Mans Sky First Content Patch is Being Worked on

After the recent release of patch 1.09, Hello games have confirmed that they are now working on their first content patch for both the PC and PS4 release of their exploration sandbox game No Mans Sky. Tweets emerged from Audio…

Fallout 5 What I Want Header

What I Want to See in Fallout 5

As the dust settles on the nuclear wasteland epic that is Fallout 4 I turn my attention to the game that is bound to follow, Fallout 5. There are no dates yet of course, it’s way too early for that…

Warlock of Firetop Mountain Header

Warlock of Firetop Mountain Review

The series of Fighting Fantasy choose-your-own-adventure books by Ian Jackson and Steve Livingston were among my favourite books to read as I grew up. Warlock of Firetop Mountain in particular. I loved how in FF books you could choose your…

What Would Bring me back to No Mans Sky Header

What Would Bring Me Back to No Mans Sky?

No Mans Sky has managed to be one of the bestselling games of 2016 with over 700,00 copies sold, while also having the much less impressive statistic of a 90% drop off in play figures within only a month or…

Soldier 76 Overwatch Tips Tricks Header

Soldier 76 Overwatch Tips & Tricks

Soldier 76 is one of Overwatch’s most player characters. You’re introduced to him in the tutorial as he guides you through the basic controls and after playing a few games with him it’s easy to see why. Although, every character…

Brain Training with Overwatch

Brain Training with Overwatch FPS

If you’re here than it’s because you think video games are fun. Hoorah, and they really are but it should come to no surprise to anyone that because our brains are fantastically wonderful things we can train our brain and…