Gaming Reviews

Darkest Dungeon: Dungeon Crawler Review

Darkest Dungeon is a side-scrolling, fantasy rogue-lite RPG by Red Hook Studios that asks an interesting question. What would dungeon crawling really do to a person? Could you really hold onto your sanity in the face of the horrors that…

Aladdin Sega Genesis Retro Review

Aladdin Sega Genesis Retro Review

This weekend between weddings and travel I decided to get a little nostalgia in. Most of this was caused by the release of the new Power Rangers movie trailer, which honestly looks phenomenal. I pulled out one of my favorite…

Overwatch Halloween Terror Review

Halloween is now a little over two weeks away and as you may imagine all of the Halloween content is starting to slowly dribble out like a weird oozy thing from one of Igor’s jars. Overwatch, the hugely popular FPS…

Day of the Tentacle Retro Review Header

Day of the Tentacle Retro Review

If you were a fan of point and click adventures in the early nineties then there is no way you could have avoided (nor wanted to avoid) playing Day of the Tentacle. Just like Monkey Island another Lucasarts franchise, Day…

Paladins Beta FPS Header Image

Paladins FPS Open Beta Review

Paladins is a First Person Shooter released by Hi-Rez Studios that gives you a whole cast of fantasy style characters to play, through various arena style matches. Sound familiar? Well it should, it’s a fairly common type of game. However,…

Destiny Rise of Iron Review Header

Destiny: Rise of Iron Review

It’s been a week since Destiny Rise of Iron hit the shelf and we’re looking at our first weekly reset. After the first run of story you really get an idea of how much work Bungie and Activision have put…

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Bioshock: The Collection – An Overall Comparison

For as long as I can remember, I have been a fan of the Bioshock games. The first one brought so much awe in the form of Rapture. The final instalment in the series gave us an incredible story. So,…

Warlock of Firetop Mountain Header

Warlock of Firetop Mountain Review

The series of Fighting Fantasy choose-your-own-adventure books by Ian Jackson and Steve Livingston were among my favourite books to read as I grew up. Warlock of Firetop Mountain in particular. I loved how in FF books you could choose your…

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Line of Sight – Early Access BETA Review

Line of Sight is an online Multiplayer FPS that seems to have a decent grounding. However, I was less than impressed with some of the features of this game. Before you turn away thinking that this is a waste of…

Terragenesis iOS Review Header Image

TerraGenesis iOS Review

In an endless sea of tapping games, Clash of the Clan rip-offs and games with an extortionate in-game purchasing system, it’s nice to see a game that is not only free but also different and engaging. TerraGenesis, an iOS app…