Gaming Reviews

Mass Effect Andromeda Header

Mass Effect Andromeda Review

Welcome to the Andromeda Initiative! I’ve left behind the Milky Way to seek out new adventures, though I can’t help but wonder if it’s too late to turn back. Mass Effect Andromeda is the fourth installment in the Mass Effect…

Shoot The Dragons iOS Header

Shoot the Dragons Quick Review

Shoot the Dragons a side-ways scrolling shooter developed by indie studio Weedo Games has taken my fancy this week. I honestly didn’t expect it to. I figured “Yeah, Yeah. A sideways-scrolling shoot-em-up, been there done that!” Once I started playing…

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Nier Automata JRPG Review

What do you fight for? Nier Automata shouldn’t exist. From all logical standpoints the chances of a sequel to the 2010 cult classic seem absurd, with its parent developer Cavia gone and the series for the most part reaching a…

Bendy the Ink Machine Header

Bendy and the Ink Machine – Mini Review

While the indie horror genre has struggled as of late, I still find myself browsing through it. Occasionally, I do find a little gem and this is one of those times. Bendy and the Ink Machine is a puzzle horror…

Linelight PS4 / Steam Puzzle Game Review

It’s always good to know that in a world of high-end graphics and intense action video gaming there is always time for a less energetic approach to video games. Linelight is a puzzle game set in a world made entirely…

Knack (PlayStation 4) Review

A Play Station 4 exclusive from SCE Japan Studio, Knack combines the aesthetic prowess of Dreamworks Animation with the cold, stale rhythm of the scientific method. It is a beautiful game; it is a boring game. Here I’ll detail some…

Resident Evil Biohazard Header

Resident Evil 7 Biohazard Review

Did you absolutely love the previous installment of the Resident Evil franchise? Were you taken in by the massive size and scope of the storyline? Could you spend all day emptying clip after clip into the ravenous hordes of infected…

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Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Review

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is Ubisoft’s latest release of the series. It features Evie and Jacob Frye battling out control of London with The Blighters. Somewhere along the way they run into more historical figures as you would expect from Assassin’s…