What Am I Playing Now, then?

video game cat gamer video games playingMy last what am I playing post was written all the way back at the start of May, and in these three months things have shifted, games I couldn’t put down three months ago have made way for new games that have now piqued my sometimes insane enthusiasm.

So what exactly have I been playing at then?

It’s still here, just about anyway. Clinging on for dear life, although the fact it’s on here at all is a bit of a surprise. Since patch 6.2, my enthusiasm has dropped, a little more than I would have expected. I hoped that the introduction of the new naval battles will sort things out for me, but the fact they take so much longer to do, failed missions can have your vessels destroyed and some of the equipment to help you succeed in mission is only dropped by huge raid monsters, it doesn’t bode well.

I think next month my tenner might be better spent.

”¦and you know what? My tenner might actually be going here. I’ve been dabbling with Star Wars Old Republic on and off and I’m enjoying it again. I’ve started a new Sith Juggernaut and she’s already started down the path of being a bad-ass. Even though I don’t feel like there has been great swathes of new content there have been enough tweaks and changes to allow me to enjoy playing this.

However, because I’m not subscribing yet, there are plenty of things I don’t have full access to. This leaves me wondering would I be subscribing because I want to play the game or simply because I hate to be denied things.

Hearthstone, Blizzards World of Warcraft based CCG has dropped one place to number three although to be fair to it, this isn’t due to anything Hearthstone has done, just that the number 1 and 2 games have been so much better. Anyway, in the latest patch the Tavern Brawl feature was added. In the tavern you play a game which has a devised set of rules that are applicable for a few days that week. For example, one Tavern Brawl had me as Neltharion fighting Ragnaros with a completely new hero power and a purpose created deck, the next brawl gave me special banana cards that boosted my minions or hurt my opponents, while another brawl filled half my desk with spiders and spider related cards.

You really don’t know what to expect with each new brawl. It’s a little odd at times, trying to get used to a deck where you don’t know what it contains, but it is fun none-the-less.


This is a really surprising game that has come out of nowhere. Sky Force is a vertical scrolling Shoot-em Up, involving a little spaceship blasting away the planes, turrets and battleships that attack you. Now, I know it isn’t the most original gameplay but you know what it doesn’t need to be. The sheer joy of Sky Force is the total ‘Come-back-and-play-me-again’ nature of it. As you collect stars, you can upgrade your cannon, health; you can unlock wing cannons and magnets to attract stars, shields and so on. The more you upgrade your ship, the better chance you have of surviving longer and unlocking more stars.

If you haven’t started playing this, take it from me you really should.

If you hadn’t already guessed by this post, Batman Arkham Origins is my current game of choice. Following on from the premise of the previous two games, Batman Arkham Origins precedes the events that took place in Arkham Asylum with Batman saving Gotham against the machinations of the Black Mask, The Penguin and off course, our favourite green-clad  sapient, The Riddler.

Arkham Origins is a game fit to burst with side-quests, and Gotham-gliding, thug-smashing goodness, that I suspect will hold my attention at least for a few weeks. Ultimately, everything is good, and considering I paid a little under £4 for it, I can’t really ask for any more.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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