Day 17 in the Sim Brother house and all bets are off, or to be more precise all clothes are off. The house guests are dropping their clothes and skinny dipping all over the place. In fact we almost ran out of black censorship squares just trying to cover up all the rude bits.
But don’t worry if you’re not a fan of the flesh because there’s plenty more. Well, alright there’s a lot of Chase staring out of a window, Lucifer being his usual arsey-self.
Anyway, read on. Go on you know you want to…
It wasn’t long before Margaret and Eddie followed the rest of the house guests and went to sleep. For several hours the house was silent except for the sound of the odd snore. It didn’t last and by 04:00 Chase and Diane had awoken and gotten out of bed. Diane caught her early morning TV shows while Chase bounced over to the kitchen to get an old hotdog.
Chet woke up next. He spotted the young Chase sitting outside with her hotdog, so grabbed one of his own and sat next to her engaging in small talk. Obsidian was also up but just wanted to eat some pancakes by himself. It was much too early to him be sociable.
When Lucifer awoke the first thing he wanted to do was just irritate someone, he was in one of those moods and there was Diane still watching TV, her hair unkempt, no makeup, still in her dressing gown. Yet as he walked over to her, Chase leapt on him and tried to get him to dance. Despite his better judgement he danced with her. Diane had already seen the look in his eyes as he walked over and knew what he was going to do so before Lucifer could get chance to say anything, he was stopped by Diane and accused of being evil. Chase didn’t want to get involved so wandered off to stare out of a window.
Barbara started tidying the house when she woke; darting in and out of bedrooms making everybody’s beds. Obsidian scuttled off to the Creative room to paint without saying a word to Chet who was focused on his video game.
Chase still feeling happy and bouncy from her dance with Lucifer tried to strike up a conversation with Chet, they’d gotten on rather well at breakfast. Although her opening boasts about their pool, was met by a complaint about the dirty dishes. Her follow-up topic of how brilliant she was proved too much for Chet to handle. He snapped, and argued with her before stomping off back to his video game. Chase smiled to herself and stared out of the window again.
Lucifer who had now composed himself after Diane’s attack, tried to complain to her about good people, but she was ready for him and knew how to disarm him. She asked about his day with a kind and thoughtful expression. Lucifer had no response to that, so he snarled to himself and played darts to cool down.
Eddie and Margaret were the last two people to wake up, both of them needing something for breakfast.
Chase had another go at talking to Chet, though Chet did not want to listen. He yelled at her before she could say anything. Chase now becoming a little upset returned to her window and stared outside again. Chet grunted something about cleaning the dishes and marched off, passing the curious Obsidian on his way. Obsidian had just finished his painting and now he wanted to reward himself with a shower and then a bit of ‘R and R’, maybe the foosball tables.
Eddie managed to get some time in with Diane. They hadn’t had much chance to speak yesterday so Eddie just wanted to make sure she was OK. Diane nodded and smiled, and probably would have said more if it wasn’t for Chase interrupting to speak to him. Chase went on at how brilliant she was, which Eddie ignored and changing the subject to his favourite TV programmes. The conversation died out, and Chase stared out of the window again. What was out of that window that was so interesting?
Margaret sat down in front of the computer and played chess online, she had always been pretty good but the extra time she was putting in was starting to have results. Chet was staying away from people playing the arcade game, after Chase had put him in such a bad mood. Chase entered the room and sat next to Diane and watched TV, but whatever was said Diane didn’t care for it, and got up minutes later.
With an uncharacteristically free-spirited attitude Eddie walked outside took all of his clothes off and skinny-dipped in the hot tub.
Obsidian was out for a breath of fresh air, when he came across him bathing. The image will stay with him forever, we’re sure. Lucifer was less perturbed by the image, and stole his clothes. He does it every time, why do people still skinny dip?
Obsidian needed something to get the image out of his head so started a new painting, but he wasn’t able to get far before Chase interrupted him. She boasted about the pool to him again, but without correcting her, Obsidian asked how her day had been. She smiled at him, and batted her eyelashes before smiling and leaving to dance in the living room.
Barbara managed to catch up with Diane in the kitchen. They hadn’t had much chance to talk over the past few days and they both wanted to catch up. Barbara applauded Diane’s vegetarianism, after that the asked about their days and told stories. It had been good to reconnect and they felt closer because of it.
At the same time a much more awkward conversation was going on between Obsidian and Lucifer. Lucifer was either trying to offend or impress Obsidian by telling his masterplan, They tried talking of art and the game, even a bit gossiping, but nothing clicked between these two, and in the end they both just had to go their own ways.
Chet seeing Eddie in the hot-tub realised it might be quite fun. He stripped off and got in the tub only to realise he needed to pee so got straight out again.
Barbara was the next to pop out of the house. The swimming pool looked so inviting and cool and everyone else seemed to be doing it to Barbara slipped off her clothes and went skinny dipping as well.
Chet realised that he had been rather unfair towards Chase, she couldn’t help how she was so to make things up to her he asked her if she wanted him to train her. She jumped at the chance, and they both started walking towards the exercise bay. Unfortunately Lucifer jumped out at Chase scaring her, after which she wasn’t really in the mood for exercising. With their training ruined Chase apologies to Chet and flatters him. Chet tried to impress Chase by eating soil, which she seemed to enjoy, but her natural tendency to talk about herself ended the conversation prematurely. Chet walked off to play Foosball with Diane.
Lucifer saw the pile of unattended clothes and immediately made his way over there to steal them. When he say Barbara’s naked body he was so put off, that he couldn’t continue and scurried off inside to play video games instead. Margaret had finished her book, a story about a feisty heroine who stands up for her beliefs and she was filled with confidence. She saw Lucifer coming in from outside and she knew she had to give him a piece of her mind. They threw insults and yelled at each other for a while before going their own way.
Chase and Obsidian also chatted; they spoke of conspiracies and art, before just dancing with each other. Since becoming an adult, Obsidian had become more sociable, he didn’t hide away as much and he was starting to make friends.
Once Barbara had got out of the pool and got dressed, it was Diane’s turn. She stripped off all her clothes and dived in the pool. She’d skinny dipped before but less reason to hide now everyone was doing it. Though Margaret wasn’t prepared for the sight, and she rushed back inside, a little embarrassed.
As the evening turned into night, everyone was busy. Chet was playing foosball, Obsidian and Chase were still dancing together, Lucifer was watching TV alone, Eddie and Diane were skinny dipping, Margaret was taking a late night shower and Barbara was fixing a snack.
It had been a busy day for Chase; she’d done a lot of talking and staring out of windows so she turned in at a little past ten. Eddie got out of the hot-tub and to his embarrassment realised his clothes had been stolen, though he wasn’t too upset as he was going to bed anyway. Over the next hour, Diane, Margaret and Obsidian also went to bed. By midnight Chet, Eddie and Barbara were the only house guests still awake.
Post Day Analysis
What a weird day. It seems as if actions followed trends today. Everyone wanted to skinny-dip; Chase did an awful lot of staring out of the window, she tried to dance with a lot of people. In fact, I’m wishing I’d put Chase and Obsidian in as young adults from the start and not teens if this is how they were going to behave.
Obsidian even made a friend today; in fact he is the only person in the Sim Brother house who doesn’t have a single dislike. Still hoping for a romance somewhere, but it’s not looking likely.
Lucifer didn’t age again, which is weird. That’s two days his ‘days left to elderly’ has been showing as 0. Maybe he’ll age tomorrow or maybe he’s glitched and he’ll never grow old.
Oh, and I’ve decided that the end of the experiment is when one of the house guests died. Which is likely to be either Barbara or Lucifer, but I’m not going to carry on with less than eight house guests. It’s a whole different dynamic then, plus I think I’ve learnt everything I need to know about the AI and free-will.
That’s not to say I won’t try something else.
- Obsidian – Cooking (Level 1)

or click here to read more about the Sim Brother experiment.