It’s day 16 in the Sim Brother house. After Barbara, Chase and Obsidian all got older yesterday are their lives any different? Do they behave any differently? Well you’ll have to read on to find out. I can see that Chase seems to love skinny dipping. I know it’s a blatant hook but if you’re into pixelised and not to mention censored images of that sort then it might be your thing. For the rest of us just enjoy the next day in the Sim Brother house hold.
Sim Brother Experiment Day 16.
Barbara’s first day as an elderly woman, though she’d never let anyone call her that to her face, started off with one of Chet’s tofu dogs and just enjoying the peace before the rest of the house guests woke up.
Lucifer and Chase woke up at a similar time. All Lucifer wanted was to take a bath, but Chase stopped him on the way and started to talk to him. It wasn’t how she usually spoke to people though; she stood closer to him and smiled more. This was the new Chase. Well Lucifer wasn’t in the mood and attacked her where it hurt, her appearance. She ignored it and carried on talking which resulted in Lucifer just letting her have a mouthful of insults. Chase smiled sweetly at him, even though she was hurt and went to take a shower. Lucifer was in no mood for his bath so figured he’d give Diane a little scare instead, she had just woken up after all so it would make a nice ‘good morning’.
Obsidian woke next and with the sound of rushing water keeping him awake he went to mop one of the outside bathrooms. Chase soon arrived after her fight with Lucifer and kicked him out, which he was fine with, Chase is hot. Unfortunately he was now outside wearing only his pants, which he was not so fine with so he rushed inside to paint himself something new, something to commemorate becoming a young adult.
Margaret, Eddie and Chet all woke up at the same time. Margaret seized the newly fixed computer to waste a few minutes. Chet needed the bathroom, and Eddie got back into place in front of the TV.
Chase feeling invigorated from her shower also happened to be feeling naughty. She took off all her clothes and got in the hot tub naked giggling playfully to herself. Though she soon got bored and got out to go and check herself out in front of one of the mirrors.
Diane by this time had served a huge stack of pancakes, scoffed one, and was now on her way out for a swim. The smell of the pancakes wafted through into the living room stirring Eddie from his shows. Barbara had already tidied the kitchen but she didn’t mind Eddie, not the cleanest person she’d ever met but he had always been nice to her.
Chase knocked on the Creative Room door and without waiting for a response barged in and interrupted Obsidian, though he could probably do with a break anyway. They chatted briefly about art and movies, and Chase suggested they get a hotdog. Obsidian agreed but said he needed a shower first and would join her afterwards. She nodded and smiled, another flirt wasted.
Margaret had grown bored of the computer and had now settled down to read one of her books, Chet also bored jogged to the exercise bay outside where he spent the next few hours. Obsidian sat down and played video games.
Chase never did meet Obsidian for that hotdog, so she thought she’s speak to Lucifer again, instead. She thought she was being endearing as she prattled on about conspiracies, but Lucifer just looked at her. Eventually growing tired he told her to be quiet and that she was a ‘cacophonous harridan’. Through her lack of understanding, she praised him for being so nice. It wasn’t until Lucifer criticised Chase’s family that she finally got the message and disappeared back into the garden to skinny dip again. Lucifer still had more angst to get rid of. He rampaged over to Margaret and complained about Art. Margaret was through reading a very lousy book, and Lucifer got both barrels of her annoyance. Knowing how effective it was on Chase, he criticised her family. She shook her head and glared at him; she was hungry and wanted a hotdog.

This amount of criticism still wasn’t enough for Lucifer, and he needed even more and there was Barbara. She was old and weak, she’d be perfect. Well she isn’t, and when people insult her family she bristles up like a porcupine, and Lucifer wasn’t prepared for what he got. She argued with him so loudly and angrily that Lucifer had no other choice but to cut his losses and run outside.
Eddie got up to go to one of the outside bathrooms, and was stunned to see Chase there in the hot tub with no clothes on. He tutted and stared before going back in the living room, Chase knew he was there but pretended he wasn’t which only. Diane had seen all this and wasn’t the type to get shocked. Lucifer beckoned towards Diane. She knew that no good was likely to come of this but she did anyway, just to hear Lucifer have a go at her family. She accused him of being mean of course, but all Lucifer did was to complain about good people like it was somehow their fault.
Lucifer saw Chase and her pile of clothes and he knew what that meant. He bundled up the clothes and scurried inside, giggling evilly to himself before emptying all the bad food out of the fridge.
Evening drew in and the house guests all had their own things to amuse them but only Eddie and Diane were doing something together. They were both sat down in the lounge; Eddie watched Diane play video games. The rest of the house was all dotted about; Obsidian had returned to his painting; Chase was still in the hot tub unaware that her clothes were gone; Lucifer was playing darts; Chet was playing foosball; Margaret had gone back to playing computer games; and Barbara was having a snack after which she cleaned the entire lot, though she was soon joined by Diane.
Chase finally decided that it was time to get out of the hot tub, she had been in there for hours. She looked around for her clothes, but they were nowhere to be seen, someone had nicked him. Rather than crying or screaming or panicking, Chase just smiled and laughed, she thought it was all so funny as she wrapped a towel around her and walked inside.
Lucifer tried his luck with insulting Diane, but she just smiled nicely at him and thanked him for all his hard work cleaning. Lucifer couldn’t help smiling back at her, as the unfamiliar and unpleasant feeling of do-gooding crept over him.
By 22:00 the house guests started to make their way to bed, and by midnight only Eddie and Margaret were still awake. Eddie had the end of his film to watch and Margaret was still chatting to that mystery person online.
Post Day Analysis
I have a small confession to make. I went into house editor and refreshed all the plumbing items. I knew it breaks my rules but it was getting silly. Sinks and showers were breaking daily and no-one was ever doing to fix them. So I gave it a little helping hand. I know sue me, but I figured you just wouldn’t want to read endless tales about flooded bathrooms.
Relationship-wise there were no new developments. Diane and Eddie are still best friends, which is good, and Chase is becoming a lot more talkative with people. I don’t want to put all my hopes on her but she is looking like the only chance of getting any nookie in this place the Woohoo Room hasn’t even gone into.
I strongly suspect that in Day 17, Lucifer is going to become elderly. Will he still be a complete arse to everyone he meets? I hope so.
- Chet – Athletic (Level 7 )
- Margaret – Cooking (Level 2 )
- Obsidian – Painting (Level 8 )

or click here to read more about the Sim Brother experiment.