Gaming News

Stellar Interface Indie Shout Out Header

Stellar Interface Indie Shout Out

Zooming along in your little spaceship, checking out the sights of all those Supernovas, White Giants and Black Holes, it’s quite a relaxing and pleasant existence. That’s your life in Stellar Interface, a rogue-like 2D scrolling shoot-em-up developed by Imagination…

Rainbow Siege 6 Year 2 Whats Coming Up Header

Rainbow Six Year 2 : Whats Coming Up?

Content, Maps, Operators, and a new Perspective on Pro League Rainbow Six Siege has confirmed a second year of content to be released starting early next year. The release includes details on how the Year 2 season pass will work…

Fallout 4 Mods header

Why Fallout 4 Is Better With Mods

It has been over a year since our monitors were blessed with Fallout 4. During this time, much has changed. Through multiple DLCs and hundreds of mods, Fallout has taken on a whole new life. But, just how different does…

Tidal Fall Indie Shout Out Header

Tidal Fall 2d Platformer Indie Shout Out

Tidal Fall tells the story of a rock man faced with tragedy. By rock man we’re not talking the likes of Alice Cooper or Ozzie Osborne but an actual man made of stone. There he is just minding his own…

Spellsworn Alpha Update Header

Spellsworn Fantasy MOBA Hits Alpha

If you’ve read this interview with Frogsong Studios then you may be interested to know that Spellsworn their magic-based fantasy MOBA, is about to cross a very significant milestone and head into Alpha, version 0.8. The move to alpha, from…

No Mans Sky Update Foundation First Impressions Header

No Mans Sky Update First Impressions

With around two months of near painful and confusing waiting from the No Man’s Sky player base, Hello Games have released the Foundation Update. What they have claimed to be the first in many patches that will help bring the…

Free Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Trial Header Image

Free Titanfall 2 Multiplayer Trial Starting

If you’ve not bought the fast and fluid multiplayer FPS shooter TitanFall 2 yet, but you really want to give it a try, well the latest announcement from Respawn Games and Electronic Arts may just be what you want to…

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Empyrion Galactic Survival – My Adventure

Space. A terrifying and alien place to most. But, I am no stranger to the vast galactic darkness. After escaping from my ship, I land on a bizarre alien planet that looks not too unlike Earth. It has lush greenery…

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Will VR Gaming Achieve Mainstream Success?

There has been a lot of buzz about VR recently. Its been a long time coming but at last, consumers can get their hands on their very own virtual reality headsets. But will it be a commercial success? There’s no…

8 Days Indie Shout Out Header

8Days Dual Shooter Indie Shout Out

Imagine that every war and negative event in human history has been orchestrated by a secret group called the Masters of Mankind, all to keep their interests safe and the world under control. Everything from The Crusades to the Financial…