Gaming News

Tiny Wars MemoryWars News Header Image

MemoryWars – A TinyWars Mini-Game Release

Do you remember a few weeks back, we at the ZombieChimp wrote a piece on Tiny Wars developed by Bizurk Software? It’s an anime themed tower defense game that proved to be rather tricky in the early prototype of the…

Overwatch Doomfist Rumours

Overwatch Doomfist Rumours and What we Know

For anyone with even just a passing interest in Blizzards immensely popular First Person Shooter Overwatch, the name Doomfist must be becoming more and more familiar. Wherever you go whispered rumours are being heard and fan theories on this mysterious…

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For Honor Beta Weekend – First Impressions

I have been waiting a long time for this game; Samurai, Vikings and Knights going at in a brutal bloodbath is something that dreams are made of. The hours I have sweated into For Honor over the weekend have in…

5 Most Exciting February 2017 Releases Header

5 Most Exciting Releases for February 2017

January kicked 2017 off with a number of quality releases, with Yakuza 0, Resident Evil 7 and Kingdom Hearts 2.8, starting the year off well. Coming into our second month of the year, the releases show no sign of slowing…

pit people

Pit People Early Access First Impressions

The world is in disarray. Acid bear blood rains from the sky. Your family is dead and all you have is your revenge. Pit People is a wildly silly and hilarious game. It mixes turn-based tactics and cartoon humour to…

Conan Exiles Steam Early Access Preview Header

Conan Exiles Steam Early Access Preview

Conan Exiles is an open world survival game developed by Funcom currently in Steam Early Access. I have been playing it for over a week now, so figured it was high time that I gave you my opinions on it.…

Oblivion vs Skyrim Header Image

5 Reasons Oblivion is Better Than Skyrim

There is no doubt that the Elder Scrolls series are some of the most important, influential and greatest RPG’s ever made. Not only have they created some of the largest and richly filled worlds in all of gaming – but…


Lobotomy Corporation Early Access Preview

Lobotomy Corporation, developed and published by Project Moon is a funny little game. It’s not really to my taste for the most part, but that’s not to say you wont enjoy it. You play as administrator of a company that…

Elders Rise header

Rise of the Elders: Cthulhu Kickstarter Game

Do you enjoy tactical RPG games? Do you have a penchant for H.P Lovecraft stories? The look no further! Rise of the Elders: Cthulhu includes all of the aforementioned things, and more. Interested? Well, in order to find out if…