New Info On Io-Interactive’s Hitman Coming Next Week?

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Io-Interactive’s Hitman

It seems that we may be getting new info on IO interactive’s new Hitman game this week.

According to a Tweet coming from IO Interactive’s Community Manager, we were supposed to receive new info on the game this month however we haven’t yet but that doesn’t mean that its too late.


In January Polygon reported that “IO-Interactive is developing a new, AAA Hitman game that will be coming to PC and next-gen consoles and Square Enix Montreal is fully focused on mobile development of games some of which are related to the Hitman franchise,”.

Hopefully we can get some substantial new info before a very likely E3 reveal.

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Moyo G.
Moyo G.

Moyo G. is a video game journalist from the United Kingdom and the founder of, a news and commentary website focused on console and PC gaming. You can find Moyo on Google+

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