Lost Lake Lights Kickstarter Review

Lost Lake Lights is an indie horror- comedy game like no other. Created by the guy who made creature models for the TV series Grimm, this game promises an experience like you’ve never seen. The story tells of a couple heading out on a camping trip.But of course, this is no ordinary camping trip when things start to go awry. After a UFO crashes on the other side of the lake, you must discover why the aliens have chosen you. Although it looks to be a first person experience, it is a linear story done in a point and click style. Check out the kickstarter video.

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The developers, Squirrel Dagger, have set quite a hefty goal for this campaign. Looking for a minimum of $30,000 they are promising a lot. Having used the Unreal 4 engine to create realistic looking environments, it doesn’t look half bad. For an indie game, it really does have some potential. The story feels a little vague and claims to have a “M. Night Shyamalan style twist, who knows whats really in store. But, if you like Gone Home and Firewatch, then this may be the game for you. Whether Lost Lake Lights does resemble these games or not is another story. Nonetheless, it looks far better than most other indie horrors that are currently out there.

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If you are looking for a different kind of game, then you should definitely consider investing. The campaign ends 1st September and they are currently a long way from their $30,000 goal. They are offering some generous rewards for those who do invest; from getting your name on the credits to having your very own character in game. Paying $5 gets you a free wallpaper, development updates and your name on the credits. Why not help out a new indie company to reach their goals? Get onto the Lost Lake Lights Kickstarter today to help out.


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I've always had a passion for games and, since I found my passion for writing, I wanted to write about them. I'll play just about anything if I can get my hands on it. I have an unhealthy obsession with all things Star Wars and my motto is "Never apologise for being a nerd."

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