Doom Eternal Launch date Delayed by Months

Having a video game you’ve already been waiting for, for months maybe even years already, get delayed even further is always a tricky thing. No software developed ever want to take this option, but we as players often paciofy ourselves by saying that it’s better to have a delayed great game than an on-time poor one.

Hopefully, this is what ID Software were thinking, now that Doom Eternal’s is now being released in March 2020. That very lovely and well-written letter from ID Software is below…


Throughout the development of DOOM Eternal, our goal has been to deliver a game that exceeds your greatest expectations across the board.

To make sure we’re delivering the best experience — for DOOM Eternal to live up to our standards of speed and polish — we’ve made the decision to extend our launch date by a few months to March 20, 2020. We know many fans will be disappointed by this delay, but we are confident that DOOM Eternal will deliver a gaming experience that is worth the wait.

In addition to shifting the DOOM Eternal launch date, we’ve made a couple other changes we wanted you to know about:

  • Invasion Mode, which will allow you to enter another player’s game as a playable demon, will release as a free update shortly after launch.
  • DOOM Eternal for Nintendo Switch will release after the other platforms. We will announce that date in the future.
  • DOOM 64 will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC in addition to Nintendo Switch. We are adding DOOM 64 as a pre-order bonus for DOOM Eternal on all platforms so you’ll be able to download and play this classic game, for free, just for pre-ordering DOOM Eternal. DOOM 64 will be released on March 20, 2020 on all platforms.

We are grateful to every DOOM fan for your dedication and support – we can’t wait to rip-and-tear right alongside you.

id Software


So there you go, further delays but the promise of something good at the end of it. It’s up to you whether you believe them or not, and by all means you can get irate and stomp your feet if that will make you feel better. However, the only real way any of us will ever know if the wait will be worth it is by playing the game upon release.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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