Destiny 2 Shadowkeep Breaking of the Black Armory Leaves Players Angry

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep dropped the 1st of October earlier this year and while it hasn’t been the smoothest release in Destiny history, the latest content drop has been one of the better offerings of Destiny content out there so far. Of course though it’s not all sunshine and rainbows because the release of Shadowkeep has retroactively broken several Black Armoury quests and has introduced other issues such as frame stutters during the certain sections.

The issues affecting the Black Armoury content most namely revolves around the Exotic quests for Jotunn, Izanagi’s Burden and Le Monarque. Previously only Izanagi’s Burden had a quest aligned to it while Jotunn and Le Monarque were random drops from Forge Ignitions but the release of Shadowkeep brought these weapons into quest form.

Players are understandably not happy about these issues but the thorn in the side of any players that want to do the latest raid Garden of Salvation, good luck getting into a group as more than a few groups are excluding players who don’t have the Izanagi’s Burden due to it nearly being essential for damaging the final boss and Destiny LFG players are sometimes elitists. If you want to tackle the raid boss feel free to pick up the Whisper of the Worm and you should be fine.

As of time of writing Bungie are aware of the glitched nature of the Izanagi’s Burden quest but it’s not clear if they’re aware of the problems related to the other quests. Until the quests are fixed I’d recommend not attempting to use any of the consumables linked to these quest, if you have though fret not as you can reacquire any of the consumables such as the box keys by redoing the activity to get them, while not ideal it’s the best option players have for now/

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Connor Beckinsale
Connor Beckinsale

He's a simple man, He sees a game, he plays the game, sometimes he might even like the game but if he were to pick the one thing that will always wrap him in a thick blanket of immersion and hook him until the end of the game its a game with a good story. Though best not speak to him about Mass Effect 3. He's a little sore.

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