Capcom Tells Us Their 6 Most Powerful Franchises

capcom top 6

Capcom Top 6

In a document created by Capcom detailing the company’s competitive edge, Capcom revealed their 6 most powerful franchises.

The list reads:

  1. Resident Evil – 61 million units.
  2. Street Fighter – 35 million units.
  3. Monster Hunter – 28 million units.
  4. Devil May Cry – 13 million units
  5. Dead Rising – 7.5 million units.
  6. Lost Planet 5.6 million units.

One thing to take from this list is that it doesn’t simply just include sales. Although it isnt obvious what exactly was used to rank these franchises, if it was simply based on sales then Capcom’s Mega-Man franchise would also be listed here.

The document also mentions that “Rather than relying solely on our major game titles, we (Capcom) create original content every year
to establish new sources of growth.” and “Basic research involving game development is another strength; we are now using a highly
advanced software development tool that we created to facilitate producing games for
multiple platforms.”

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Moyo G.
Moyo G.

Moyo G. is a video game journalist from the United Kingdom and the founder of, a news and commentary website focused on console and PC gaming. You can find Moyo on Google+

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