Borderlands 3 Moze Build – High DPS, Infinite Ammo

This Moze build focuses on High DPS (damage per second) while also ensuring you have near limitless ammo. If done correctly, your ammo should never run out in the midst of battle. This is because of Moze’s Bottomless Mags skill tree. The build mainly prioritizes upgrading DPS for Moze and her Iron Bear, so there can be potential defense issues.

For this build, you will need to prioritize the Bottomless Magazine skill tree. This will ensure that Moze has a high DPS while also having a never ending hail of bullets for her enemies. Mix in some upgrades for her armored bear and you’re going to be unstoppable.

Action Skills
Minigun, Railgun
Augment Skills
Exploding Bullets, Capacitive Armature

Borderlands 3 Moze Skills High Dps, Infinite Ammo

Bottomless Magazine

Demolition Woman

Shield of Retribution

Cloud of Lead (5)

Deadlines (3)

Security Bear (1)

Matched Set (2)

Grizzled (5)

Armored Infantry (5)

Stroke the Embers (3)

Drowning in Brass (3)

Redistribution (1)

Thin Red Line (1)

Rushin’ Offensive (1)

Vladof Ingenuity (5)

Scorching RPM’s (5)

Full Can of Whoop-Ass (1)

The Iron Bank (5)

Experimental Munitions (1)

Specialist Bear (1)

Some for the Road (1)

Click, Click (3)

Forge (1)

Moze’s “Click Click” skill provides guns with low ammo counts additional damage. Try using shotguns to enhance this skill, as they only have a few shells in them. You should also be incredibly aggressive in battle with this build. You’ll have near limitless ammo in battle due to the skills you have chosen. While you have high DPS, your defence won’t be great, so go all out and take out the enemy before they take you out.

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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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