October is over and the cold days of winter are nearly upon us. But, there’s no need to fret because we have plenty of reasons for you to enjoy staying indoors this season. More precisely, five new games that are coming out in November that will you keep rolling over until the new year. So, what exciting things do we have on the prep up to Christmas? Well, let’s find out.
1. Fallout 76

Perhaps one of the bigger releases coming out the November, Fallout 76 is the online multi-player addition to the Fallout world. I am sure most of you are familiar with it by now. Perhaps you have seen a few snippets of the opening or even been lucky enough to play the beta yourselves. Well, regardless, it is sure to be a big one for this year despite the many fans of the franchise openly hating it. I’ve not had a chance to play it myself but from what I hear, it is actually a fairly agreeable online game. We will have to wait and see how things change once more people get their hands on it but for now, this is one to keep an eye on.
Release date: November 14th 2018
2. Battlefield V

The next game in this long running franchise takes Battfield V players into the realm of WWII. After the success of Battlefield 1, many were hoping that the subsequent games would bring just as much and more. And, Battlefield V may have just about done it. With a whole heap of new weapons, maps, character customisation and game modes, there is sure to be something for every player. They have even added a battle-royal mode which is all the rage these days. Fans of this one will definitely not be pulling any punches so we’ll have to wait and see what the game brings.
Release date: 20th November 2018
3. Spyro – The Reignited Trilogy

I know there are many of you out there that are just as excited about this one as I am. The new Spyro remaster, or Spyro Reignited as it is called, breathes a new spark of life into this series. I’ve been following a little of this one myself and I have to say it looks fantastic. The improved graphics are one thing but the nostalgia will be another. Some are disappointed that you will have to install a first day update to be able to get the additional levels in Spyro 2 and 3 (despite already ahving the disk). However, I don’t think this will take away from the wonder that the game will bring. I am definitely looking forward to this one coming out.
Release date: 13th Novemeber 2018
4. Hitman 2

Another big franchise adding more games to its series is Hitman. Yes, once again you will be able to take control of the ever solemn Agent 47 and find the most innovative and creative ways of killing your targets. Plus, they’ve added much more to the game than could have been expected. There is of course the brand new levels that you will be able to play through. But, you will also have the chance to play through all the levels in the first game with the new and updated game mechanics and features. Sounds good right? But, wait, there’s more! They have even added a sort of multiplayer version where you can a friend can inhabit the same level and see who can take down the target first. It’s interesting concept and one that could only work for the Hitman games. We’ll just have to wait and see what it truly has in store for us.
Release date: 13th November 2018
5. Darksiders 3

Finally we have a long awaited sequel to the Darksiders franchise. Darksiders 3 will be out towards the end of November and boy does it look awesome. Players will take on the role of Fury as she takes on the mission to hunt down and kill the Seven Deadly Sins. Fire up her powers and unleash her wrath on the world. I think, regardless of whether or not you are a fan or not, this game looks like it has a lot of great potential. And, they have already announced two DLC for it, so they must think this one will be a hit. I guess we will find out at the end of the month.
Release date: 27th November 2018