Gaming Guides

valheim bog witch featured image

How to Find the Bog Witch – Valheim

The Bog Witch is a friendly NPC trader added to Valheim with the 0.219.13 Patch. As her name might suggest, this vendor lives in the Swamp, selling various potions, mushrooms, herbs, and other helpful items. Due to Valheim’s randomized nature,…

Ultimate Ship Guide Valheim Sailing

Ultimate Ships Guide (Valheim)

The Viking longship is one of the most iconic parts of Viking lore. While we won’t quite be marauding the coasts in Valhiem, ships are still the only effective way to quickly traverse the huge world map without creating portals.…

dragon age the veilguard tips and tricks

Tips & Tricks – Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age: The Veilguard might be a longer RPG than you might originally expect, with a detailed combat system and tons of side content, so there are a number of things to keep track of while you’re playing. In this…

dragon age the veilguard how to use runes

Runes – Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Runes are a type of equipment that you can attach to your Lyrium Dagger. Unlike your normal pieces of gear, these don’t offer any stats, but instead give you a passive and an active effect. These offer bonuses to that…

what is rage and how to get more rage for warriors dragon age the veilguard

What Is Rage? – Dragon Age: The Veilguard

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, each of the three classes — Warrior, Mage, and Rogue — has a unique class resource that fuels their Abilities and a number of their other Skills. For Warriors, that resource is Rage, which is…

mana dragon age veilguard featured image

What is Mana? – Dragon Age: The Veilguard

In Dragon Age: The Veilguard, each of the three classes: Mage, Warrior, and Rogue use different resources to activate their Abilities and channel their Skills! For Mages, that resource is Mana, which passively regenerates both in and outside combat. This…