How to Beat Chronos – Hades II Boss Guide

Almost as soon as you start Hades II, your goal is made clear — go down into the underworld and defeat Chronos. Once you finally reach him, you will find out very quickly that he won’t go down without a fight, and he is much harder than any of the bosses you fought beforehand. In this guide, we’ll discuss strategy and tactics for facing the Titan of Time, and cover how to avoid some of his trickier attacks.

  • Location – End of Act 4 (Tartarus)
  • Reward – x1 Z. Sands

Do NOT bring any Boons that slow down time — they will not work for this boss and thus will be completely useless.

  • Chronos has very quick attacks and can use them rapidly, so move speed Boons will be very helpful here.
  • As he can do a lot of damage on top of this, damage reduction Boons (such as anything from Aphrodite that can inflict Weak on him) will help keep you alive.
  • If you manage to get Close Call from Hermes (his Legendary Boon), this will give you some extra insurance just in case you get overwhelmed.
    • Just keep in mind that the second effect of this Boon to make everything move slower will not work.

None of the weapons will give you advantage over others in this fight. So, you will want to use the weapon you’re most comfortable with — this will allow you to concentrate more on the fight itself, rather than learning with a weapon you’re not as familiar with.

As stated earlier, no Boons or other effects that slow down time will have any effect in this fight (he is the Titan of Time, after all). This also includes not being able to pause during the fight, until you complete the Power to Pause and Reflect Incantation.

  • The battle will always begin with 6 Satyrs supporting Chronos, though this will be halved if you take the Deep Dissent Boon from Hades.
    • Take these out as quickly as possible, as you don’t want any distractions from Chronos himself. Luckily, they don’t have much health and should go down quickly.
  • Stay behind him as much as possible — he will use two different attacks with his scythe, both of which have him attack in an arc in front of him, and come with very little warning. You will be safe from both of these attacks if you stay behind him.
    • Additionally, he has a move where he will try to suck you in, which ends with him shooting a very quick projectile where he’s facing. Staying behind him will help you avoid this entirely.
  • Be careful about staying close to him — Chronos has two abilities that involve summoning orbs out around him. One will shoot them out as short-ranged projectiles, while the other ability will have him keep the orbs around him as a shield. Additionally, when he teleports, he will leave a field behind where he left that will freeze you in time.
    • When he has the orbs around him as a shield, bait him into charging into a wall, so that he will get rid of them against that wall.
  • His charges can be deadly — they are very quick gap closers that will deal a lot of damage if you get hit. On top of this, he will leave a rift in his path that will explode shortly after he’s done charging. Be ready to dodge these quickly.
    • Note that once he’s under 50%, he can charge 3 times in a row.
  • Get rid of his banners quickly — these will regenerate the health of both adds and Chronos himself if they are near the banner, so you will want to clear them out quickly.
hades ii chronos phase 1

Most of his attacks (except when he summons orbs) will give you an opening, so take advantage of these as much as you can. Once you’ve completely depleted his health bar, he will transport you to another area, fully heal, and begin phase 2.

  • Chronos has 3 attacks that will instantly kill you if you don’t avoid them.
    • For the first one, the entire area will go dark, except for one small circle (which will be on one of the clock numbers). You will need to reach this small circle before the timer goes off.
    • With the second one, most of the area will go dark, but there will be a ring around Chronos that will keep you safe. Among the three attacks, this one is the easiest to get through.
    • Finally, there will be an attack where a circle slowly closes in to the middle of the field. You will need to dodge through this circle to avoid getting killed.
  • Orbs can still be summoned in this phase — in fact, he will summon a lot more during this phase and they can be much further away from him. However, there will be red lines around the field before they spawn, both giving you a warning about them, and showing you where they’re going to be to help you avoid them.
  • Chronos can activate clock hands to give you an additional obstacle — these clock hands aren’t very deadly on their own, but he can potentially spawn multiple of them at once, as well as use them alongside other attacks.
  • He can summon freezing fields all around the arena — luckily, you have plenty of time to find the open spots before the fields become active.
  • Be careful with the adds he summons — while you still want to get rid of them, you need to keep in mind that, upon death, they will leave behind a field that can freeze you in place. Since these adds can be active while Chronos is using one of his instant kill moves, you want to be very careful not to get yourself frozen in a position that will get you killed!
  • Towards the end of the fight, Chronos can use most, if not all of these attacks all at once! At this point, focus more on defense and keeping yourself safe until some of these attacks go away.
hades ii chronos phase 2

While fighting Chronos in this stage, you will need to be aware of what’s going on in the field at all times. He will retain most of his attacks from phase 1 on top of everything else, so attacking him from behind is still the best way to fight him when you’re able to. The fight can be very chaotic towards the end, but try not to panic and find safe spots to attack him, prioritizing not getting instantly killed.

We hope this guide on defeating Chronos was helpful! If you have questions or suggestions, drop ’em in the comments below!

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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