Toss and Forget Bombardment Build – Helldivers 2

A truly skilled Helldivers doesn’t even need to approach the enemy to eliminate them. By focusing on stratagems with very high structure damage and the ability to stay mobile, this Helldivers 2 Bombardment Build should enable you to destroy bases and objectives as you pass by, letting you stay on the move while clearing the map of hives or factories.

The core focus of the Bombardment Build in Helldivers 2 is to use stratagems with the greatest potential for structure damage, and to lay them on thick whenever you come across an enemy base, from a far enough range that you can reliably destroy the base without even approaching it. This means a heavy use of barrage, but also a focus on range and enemy evasion, since you won’t be cut out for slogs through the enemy.

It should be noted that this isn’t intended as a Solo build, but can be used like one in a pinch.


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Servo-Assisted Armor (Light)

r 63 diligence (helldivers 2)

Marksman Rifles Preferred

g 3 smoke

G-3 Smoke Grenade


localization confusion booster booster

Localization Confusion Booster

Intended For

both symbol

Terminids or Automatons


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Orbital 380mm HE Barrage

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Orbital 120mm HE Barrage

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Eagle Airstrike

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Quasar Cannon


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Orbital Laser, can replace the Orbital 120mm HE Barrage or Eagle Airstrike

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Spear, can replace Quasar Cannon

The core strategy for the Toss and Forget Bombardment Build is very simple: you use a set of Servo-Assisted Armor (preferably light, so you can stay on the move) in order to toss appropriate stratagems into enemy bases to destroy them without even getting close. By using the 380mm HE Barrage for large bases, the 120mm for medium bases, and the Eagle Airstrike for small bases, you should be able to easily and quickly eliminate those bases without hassle, picking off the few remaining buildings either with an Eagle Airstrike or using the Quasar Cannon or Spear.

The other half of the build is about keeping your distance. A Marksman’s rifle like the Diligence will let you eliminate threats from afar, and the Smoke Grenades in combination with the Localization Confusion Booster will keep enemies from encroaching on you as you flee from a freshly-bombed objective.

In order to help ensure you’re playing Helldivers optimally and can understand our reasoning for these builds (as well as understand the thought process that goes into making on), here is the list of reasons why each item was chosen for the Bombardment Build:

  • Stratagems
    • Orbital 380mm Barrage: The bread-and-butter of this build, the Orbital 380mm Barrage can effectively lay waste to an entire base, even quite a large one, and so is a must for this kind of build.
    • Orbital 110mm Barrage: The 380mm’s little cousin, this barrage might not be as devastating as the 380mm, but it can still clear out smaller bases, and can be used effectively at closer range to block off a horde.
    • Eagle Airstrike: Single-building enemy bases, enemy patrols, and the remnants of bases that your barrage didn’t quite destroy completely will easily fall to the ol’ reliable Eagle Airstrike.
    • Quasar Cannon: The Quasar Cannon’s ability to destroy bases and objectives from extremely far away make it the ideal pick for a weapon on a Bombardment Build, and leaves you with an open backpack slot if your teammates have an extra pack stratagem later in the mission.
    • Orbital Laser: A great alternative to either the Eagle or the 110mm Barrage, the Orbital Laser can beam down from above and sweep from enemy building to enemy building, clearing out even the largest bases over the course of its deployment. That said, its limited use is why it isn’t a part of the core build.
    • Spear: The Spear is a great alternative to the Quasar Cannon, as it is powerful enough to take down structures without having to find small vents and openings. The Spear can also be one of the most effective anti-heavy weapons in the right hands.
  • Servo-Assisted Armor (Light): You will want light armor with the Servo-Asssited effect in order to throw your stratagems into a base from farther away, and then to run away from that same base without being spotted.
  • Marksman Rifles: Because you will mostly be at range and should be keeping a good eye out for patrols, a Marksman rifle perfectly compliments this build.
  • G-3 Smoke Grenade: By throwing a smoke grenade between you and the enemy, you can easily widen the gap between yourself and pursuers, enabling an easier getaway.
  • Localization Confusion Booster: By increasing the cooldown timer for enemy alert spawns (bug breaches and bot drops), you ensure that you won’t even end up swarmed by alerts, even though this build won’t exactly be stealthy.

The ideal composition for the Bombardment Build is for every member of the team to be running similar fast, highly-ranged builds. In a team with good communication, loading up 4 squadmates for Bombardment is very reasonable even on higher difficulties, as you can coordinate doubling up on barrages in order to guarantee base destruction.

That said, it is usually better to stack up with 2 Bombardment Builds, some Anti-Heavy build, and then either another Anti-Heavy build, or someone primarily kitted out for Defense, likely with sentries, so that you have some support for remaining on an objective or near extraction. This helps round out the deficiencies in this builds, namely that it is unable to easily defend locations and remain in place when need be.

With this build, you should be able to level any encampment that would dare oppose Democracy and Freedom, without even having to lower yourself to their crude level. But, there is more than one way to bomb a hive! You can check out our other builds for Helldivers 2 on our Builds page.

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Graves is an avid writer, web designer, and gamer, with more ideas than he could hope to achieve in a lifetime. But, armed with a mug of coffee and an overactive imagination, he'll try. When he isn't working on a creative project, he is painting miniatures, reading cheesy sci-fi novels, or making music.

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